You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1099: Pear tears

The last few words of Mu Chaochao were broken so that people could not hear what she was saying.

But Xiang Qiuchi could already understand what she meant.

Xiang Qiuchi's hand squeezed tightly, the murderous intent revealed in his eyes.

He finally understood why Mu Chaochao was so terrified and afraid of him before a man.

Xiang Qiuchi had the urge to kill many times before, because of impatience, but this time, it was real, because of anger, because of hatred...

Born to be human, but not even a little bit of the most basic humanity, why can such a person live hard like other people who strive to maintain their final moral bottom line in this bizarre and inverted society? Breathing the same air.

If Mu Chaochao's stepfather and biological mother were sitting in front of him at this moment, Xiang Qiuchi would really do it without hesitation.

The law cannot send them to hell, and he doesn't mind doing it for them.

Even if this has been violated, he will not hesitate to abandon the original intention of turning the dark to the Ming.

What Xiang Qiuchi hates most is this kind of man, dirty, nasty, shameless... He looks like a human but behaves like an animal.

Mu Chaochao has gone through so much torture, for her to escape that hell, has exhausted all her courage.

She was able to tell Xiang Qiuchi what happened to her, which was already beyond her capacity.

Her thin and petite body trembled like a flower bud that was about to be broken in the wind. After hesitating, she stretched out her hand to Qiuchi and patted her shoulder: "Okay, don't say anything, I know, now that you are in this hospital , I can’t guarantee anything else, but I’m pretty sure and responsible to tell you that unless you are willing, no one can force you to go anywhere, and no one can hurt you again.”

Mu Chaochao's body stiffened for a while, but he did not avoid Xiang Qiuchi's hand.

Xiang Qiuchi quickly withdrew his hand and stood up: "Get a good rest. If you have any questions, please consult a nurse at any time."

When Mu Chaochao heard the steps of Xiang Qiuchi turning and leaving, he suddenly raised his head, "Doctor Gu...are you true?"

Xiang Qiuchi stopped, turned around and showed a gentle smile to Mu Chaochao, he said: "Yes, no one will bully you anymore, I promise."

Mu Chaochao's eyes were red, her face was full of tears, her eyes were as clear as the sky washed by water, her lips were raised timidly, her voice was a little hoarse, "Thank you..."

Xiang Qiuchi thought of a word: Lihua Luoyu.


Xiang Qiuchi turned and went to find Gu Jingyuan.

At this moment, only Qin Se and Gu Jingyuan remained in the ward, and Zhou Ping Bailu had already left.

Xiang Qiuchi's expression was a little bad, and after entering, he sat down and said, "Help me check where she lives and the information about her stepfather and biological mother."

Xiang Qiuchi handed Gu Jingyuan a cell phone. There was a picture of Mu Chaochao secretly taken by the nurse.

Gu Jingyuan and Qin Se both looked over.

The little girl in the photo has a small face, only those eyes, which are unusually big, and those eyes are full of fear, helplessness and despair...

Qin Se asked: "Is this the girl you mentioned before?"

Nodding to Qiuchi: "Yeah."

Gu Jingyuan asked him, "What are you going to do with her stepfather and biological mother? To kill."

Xiang Qiuchi: "I..."

He wanted to deny it, but when he wanted to face it was Gu Jingyuan, he simply nodded and admitted.

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