You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1230: Scared

Xu Mu's strange number of ways beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding made Xing Qingchen and her agent all bewildered.

At this moment, not only Xing Qingchen panicked, but even her agent panicked.

She even vowed half an hour ago that this hype will definitely make Xing Qingchen's career reach its peak.

If Xu Mu doesn't hold back and doesn't forgive, the big deal is an apology, anyway, what they want has been obtained.

The operations in their circles first refute the rumors and then communicate privately. Even if they hate it, on the surface, they still have to maintain the illusion that everyone is a good friend.

Xu Mu's operation is too unconventional.

How could he do this? Do you plan to meet them in the future?

How embarrassing if everyone appears on the same occasion in the future? How should a reporter write, why should he not consider it?

The agent is still thinking about these things, and she doesn't want to think about it. Xu Mu has said that. Will he still let them mix in the circle in the future?

He will give them a chance to play with him?

What a joke, don't be too whimsical.

Xing Qingchen hurriedly called her agent, "You saw Xu Mu's live broadcast, he...he was talking ruthlessly, he was threatening me, what should we do now?"

The agent is also panicked now, "Why doesn't Xu Mu play cards according to the rules, how can he do this?"

"Why can't he be like this? Don't forget. He is a big brother in this circle. He is behind Xintian Entertainment. He is a shareholder of Xintian Entertainment. He has many connections in the circle. I... I am confused. I’m confused, I’m really too confused, this matter has touched his bottom line, he must retaliate against me... What should I do? What should I do?"

Xing Qingchen was scared and at a loss on the other end of the phone. Her nose had to be recuperated for several days, and the commercial filming was suspended.

The director is almost mad, but there is no alternative but to wait.

Xing Qingchen has not been discharged yet, sitting on the hospital bed, his face pale in fright.

Xing Qingchen already regretted Xu Mu's cruel words.

The agent also regretted it a little. She slumped Xu Mu's anger and misjudged the result of the incident. She thought she would solve it according to the routine, but she didn't expect that she could not handle Xu Mu's move.

The company’s crisis public relations are currently under discussion, how to end it, to solve it? No one can think of a better way

Xing Qingchen said in a panic: "Or...or I will apologize to Xu Mu now, I will go to him to apologize, please forgive me, let him not go into this matter, otherwise I may not be able to be in the entertainment industry Continue to mix."

The economy hurriedly said: "Don't panic, maybe Xu Mu just said a few ruthless words to restore his image... Although Xu Mu is back now, our crisis has increased, but the crisis is also accompanied by opportunities. Yes, look at your current popularity..."

Xing Qingchen interrupted her: "If I can't mix in the circle in the future, what kind of popularity do I want?"

The agent said: "But, now we have no good way. If Xu Mu has no evidence at all and is just swindling you, but you have stupidly apologized. At that time, will we fall short? You will still be unable to do anything in the future. In the entertainment industry."

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