You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1231: Grab it?

Xing Qingchen's anxious eyes were red: "What should I do? What should I do now? I'm really going crazy... Xu Mu said that within two hours, I have no time. After two hours, even if he can't take it. When evidence comes out, other methods will be devised..."

"Don't worry, this is not the last time. Calm down. I will go to a meeting to discuss countermeasures. I will buy some black materials from other celebrities first, brush them up and try to distract them. First Reduce your popularity, let you retreat from the hot search, less conspicuous..."

"Then you can hurry up..."

When the two hung up the phone, the agent hurriedly called, the people in the studio, have a meeting together, think about whether there is any other way,


On the other side, Xu Mu asked the driver to drive to the studio at the fastest speed.

In the studio, the lights are now brightly lit, and the people on the left and right have not stopped their work and are busy.

On weekdays, Xu Mu pays his employees high salaries, high bonuses, and benefits at the end of the year, and he is also very good. Everyone is naturally interested in him.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Xu Mu ran into the agent who was waiting for him.

Xu Mu didn't wait for the other person to speak, and said directly: "It was Xing Qingchen and his agent's ghost. First find out who the secretly filmed was, and he has a complete video in his hand..."

"I also looked for the director of the commercial shooting. They had records on site. When Xing Qingchen asked me to take the same car and go back with me, there were still shots on the scene, so I can find out if I can find her and me. record of……"

"Also, dig it for me. All the black materials of Xing Qingchen, including her agent's black materials, are dug out for me!"

"This matter is not just a rumor, I want to call the police."

The agent nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I see, some are already being done, and those that have not been done, do it now."

Walking into the work area, the agent clapped his hands and said loudly: "Everyone, give you an hour, a little time, all torn apart."

Everyone replied: "Understand..."

The agent made a phone call in person. Their business can be said to have a symbiotic relationship with the paparazzi industry. Stars hate paparazzi, but they cannot do without. Without paparazzi breaking the news, their popularity sometimes fails.

The agent called for a full and half an hour to find out which gossip club the paparazzi bought by Xing Qingchen belonged to.

He said to Xu Mu: "I found it, but the other party is definitely not willing to produce all the complete records? They have already cooperated with Xing Qingchen, and they must have taken a lot of money from him. There are also rules in the paparazzi industry, unless we spend a lot of money. It's very expensive, and the price that is enough to make their heart beat, maybe it will be sold to us, but this negotiation process will definitely not be completed within half an hour!"

Xu Mu's agent had really been a paparazzi before he joined the industry as a broker, so he was very clear about industry rules.

Xu Mu coldly snorted, "Spend money? I'm sick. They secretly photographed me and slandered me. I still want to give them money. No, I won't give them a dime! My money is to be kept to support my family, how can I? Such a waste?"

The agent is stunned. What do you want to do without spending money?

"Then how are you going to get it over, grab it?"

Xu Mu smiled: "You guessed it right."

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