You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1257: look forward to

Qin Zheng...

Wait, why do you bother with him?

Isn't this talking about Chen Mo, because Mao suddenly wanted to talk about him, but he was going to join the filming group?

Chen Mo finally looked a little better on his face. He glanced at Qin Zheng provocatively, as if saying: You can't escape.

Qin Zheng was about to speak, Xu Mu pointed at them and said, "You two, it’s good for me. You must release an album, otherwise you will be invited to a variety show in the future. You two can’t even sing a song. Shame."

Xu Mu said to the vocal teacher: "Teacher, they don't need to rest anymore. Let's continue singing. I just thought about it and tried to record two singles for them before the day after tomorrow. I believe they can."

Then Xu Mu left amidst the grievances of the two.

As soon as he left, Chen Mo turned his head and said bitterly, "Qin Zheng, I hate you."

Qin Zheng patted Chen Mo on the shoulder: "Come on, when I come back from filming, I hope to hear your two singles, hahaha..."

Chen Mo kicked him: "You still laugh, and you still have a smile on your face. We are going to record two singles in less than two days. What courage do you have to laugh?"

Qin Zheng opened his mouth and suddenly couldn't laugh.

Is Xu Mu trying to kill them?

In a day and a half, let them sing two singles...

The vocal teacher was under more pressure than them. He hurriedly re-turned the songs the company bought for them, and picked out a song that was very, very simple and easy to sing.

The vocal teacher clapped his hands: "Okay, don't waste time, hurry up and learn..."

The two screamed.

When he walked out, Xu Mu in the practice room looked back at the door, and he snorted. If you don't take care of these two cubs, they are really lawless.

Before leaving, Xu Mu urged Li Junzhe, "Be optimistic about these two boys, don't let them run away. If they dare to run, let the security guard catch me back."

Li Junzhe nodded repeatedly: "Good Teacher Xu."

With Xu Mu's words, Li Junzhe felt like he had taken Shangfang's sword. He was not afraid of how these two boys would be demon.

In the evening, the two were finally hurried into the recording studio to audition.

The vocal teacher worked hard for a long time, and it was so good that the two of them could not run away.

Starting to record, Li Junzhe stood outside the recording studio and took a picture of the two through the glass. His excited hands were shaking.

Nima, the group's official microblog can finally post something, no matter how bad they sing, at least they can take a decent "work photo".

The ghost knows how hard they are for the staff of the official Weibo of their management team. They rack their brains every day to post Weibo about them. How difficult is it? There are endless work photos from other artists’ studios. Nothing...

Li Junzhe boarded the official micro-account of the group and posted photos of the two and their sons recording songs, and wrote against his will: Two little ones who recorded the song seriously!

The fans exploded in an instant, chanting, oh my god, brothers are going to sing?

To cry, I finally waited for the two little cuties to send songs to this day, I did not wait in vain.

Countless fans said that they are looking forward to it!

Qin Zheng, who was tossed at night and felt that he was dying, lay on the floor, grabbed his mobile phone and glanced at Weibo, directly under the comment of the expected fan, and replied: Don’t expect anymore, when the single comes out, you will I regret saying these three words...


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