You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1258: So desperate

Qin Zheng really didn't have any confidence in his singing skills. If anyone came over and said to him at this time, Qin Zheng, you can actually sing well.

Qin Zheng will definitely ask: Do you have any ill intentions toward me, so that you are ignorant of your conscience and say such things?

They only studied for a long time before they were pushed to start recording.

Qin Zheng said, is the company in a hurry to kill the fans?

After Qin Zheng returned to that fan, his fans burst into the street with laughter.

They all said: My child loves to tell the truth so much.

It doesn't matter, even if you sing badly, I will reluctantly continue to love you.

Brother, don’t say that. You sing badly. We didn’t know about it the first day. We didn’t expect much from your singing skills. As a boy group, you don’t sing and magazine covers are not shot. Now, what do you let us fans do?

At any rate, if you have a song that is ugly, let us hit the charts for you and check the popularity.

Qin Zheng saw the comments from fans, and suddenly felt sympathy for his fans. They were so low in response to their requirements. My god, what are you doing after chasing me? This is not in line with today’s positive society. Core values.

Qin Zheng really couldn't figure it out. As a fan, he didn't want his idol to sing more beautifully, so he asked him to produce a song that was even ugly. There was no bottom line, no principles.

It's like a parent saying to the child who has been taking the bottom of the exam, I don't ask you to make progress, and I don't ask you to study hard, but during the exam, you just fill up the papers.

This is essentially, in fact, meaningless?

Li Junzhe was originally happy, thinking that he could finally send a work photo. Tomorrow, I will take two photos of the two of them studying with the vocal music teacher, and take two photos of their rest. The poster for the next week will be available.

But he is still too overestimated, Qin Zheng, he did not expect to tear down the stage so quickly.

Qin Zheng actually responded to fans on Weibo, so that fans should not expect too much from him.

Li Junzhe wants to die, can he speak well, can he let people work? This forced him to be an agent, and there was no way.

But even so, the unsuspecting sentence of recovery made the fans jump out one after another, and there was no one to blame him.

Li Junzhe wondered, what kind of fan is this? Are you too forgiving?

Shouldn't you guys bombard this kid, let him work hard, and practice singing?

I even said that I didn't expect you to sing much better.

Qin Zheng's fans turned out to be just idols to release a song, let them go to the charts, find some work for them, they are too leisurely.

Li Junzhe helped him, thinking that he had been in the entertainment industry for a long time, and he brought a lot of artists, but it was the first time he met an artist like this, a fan like this, what should I do? I am desperate!

Li Junzhe gritted his teeth. Since Qin Zheng doesn't take the ordinary path, and his fans don't follow the ordinary path, then... he shouldn't play cards according to common sense.

Li Junzhe intercepted Qin Zheng’s reply directly, and then used the combination’s official WeChat account to post another Weibo, writing: What to do, I’m desperate. Our two cubs keep tearing down the platform. We can’t set up this platform... …

The picture is an emoticon pack of Qin Zheng and Chen Mo made by himself...

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