You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1278: Arrogant

Seeing that a bodyguard screwed the arm of a hospital security guard, he used his hand fiercely, as if he was about to break the security guard's arm.

The onlookers dared not look, some of them covered their eyes.

Xiang Qiuchi stepped forward, no one saw how he made his hand, only a click was heard, followed by a scream, and the bodyguard's hand had been twisted into a strange arc by Xiang Qiuchi.

In a sound of shock and gasping, Qiu Chi kicked the bodyguard's back knee, and the bodyguard knelt on the ground with a sound.

The other bodyguards took a look, and after a second, they all rushed forward.

However, in the hands of Xiang Qiuchi, they poured one piece by three times.

The young nurses in the hospital are completely handsome at this moment, Doctor Gu is great, Doctor Gu is so amazing.

As soon as the deputy dean looked at Qiu Chi alone, he had mastered the situation, and he breathed a sigh of relief, thanking him for dragging him over.

Stepping on the back of a bodyguard, Xiang Qiuchi looked sideways at the lady who was sitting in the reception room and said, "I don’t know what disease this lady is, and I’m so anxious that I can only breathe. Waiting for our hospital to issue you a death certificate?"

As soon as he said, the woman had maintained a very good posture, and she meant to collapse in an instant.

The corner of her mouth twitched: "Presumptuous, who of you dare to speak to me like this?"

The lady looked at the bodyguards all over the floor, her eyes flashed with anger. With so many people, she didn't expect that all of them were rubbish. It was so useless that even a thin-looking young man could not beat her.

At this time, Xiang Qiuchi is wearing casual clothes, so people who don't know him really don't know that he is a doctor in this hospital.

Xiang Qiuchi scanned the woman again, and sneered disdainfully: "In this hospital, some people dare to make trouble and even dare to speak to me like this. I also feel very presumptuous."

A look of anger appeared on the very well-maintained face of the lady: "You can't help yourself."

Even the people she brought have been knocked down, and there is no backhand strength, but she is not afraid of it. It is obvious that the superior has been doing it for a long time, thinking that it is her back garden everywhere.

Xiang Qiuchi nodded seriously: "Yes, I also think Madam, you are too self-reliant. You dare to make trouble without seeing where this is. Do you think your life is too boring?"

The vice president hurriedly stood up and asked the lady: "This lady, I am the vice president of this hospital. What is the matter with you, why do you want to fight so hard in our hospital?"

The lady snorted disdainfully: "I want to ask, does your hospital treat patients like this?"

The vice president said patiently: "Of course our hospital will not treat patients in this way, but... Since you are here, Madam, why don't you abide by our hospital's regulations, register first, and then line up? Drive out the patients and family members who are seeing the doctor, and beat them up. What is the truth about you? I don't remember that your family opened this hospital, right?"

The lady sneered: "The truth... Oh, I am the reason. I came to your hospital to save you face. This hospital is not opened by Gu's name. Even if the Gu family brothers come, you have to bow your head in front of me."

This woman's words sounded a bit arrogant.


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