You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1279: You wait

Xiang Qiuchi couldn't listen anymore. He felt that 80% of the woman was sick, and her brain was sick: "Dean, don't talk nonsense with her, dare to come to our hospital for any messy things."

The dean couldn't help but feel a little scared when he heard the lady talking. Who is this, even their boss is not afraid.

However, he also remembered that the previous call from Gu Zhixin, his suspicion disappeared: If this woman is really a terrific person, the second master will not say that.

The lady's face changed drastically when she heard Xiang Qiu Chi scold her: "Things that do not know life or death, what are you, dare to be so presumptuous in front of me."

Xiang Qiuchi sneered disdainfully, and asked loudly, "Did you call the police?"

The little nurse who had just called the police raised his hand: "Doctor Gu, it has been... reported. The police will come soon."

When the lady heard this, her eyes changed when she looked at Qiu Chi, and she looked at him up and down: "Your last name is Gu? What is your name, and what is your relationship with Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin?"

Xiang Qiuchi: "Are you in charge?"

But he secretly calculated that this woman knew Gu Jingyuan and Gu Zhixin, and it seemed that she really had something to do with them.

However, such LOW relatives, even if the two brothers have them, they probably don't want to recognize them.

Xiang Qiuchi thought of the old lady Gu who had been sent to a remote nursing home, and thought of Gu Jingyuan's divorced mother, he wondered, the man in the Gu family is OK, why the quality of the women is so bad?

The lady lifted her chin and said arrogantly: "It seems that you are really a member of the Gu family. Go tell Gu Zhixin and let him see me."

Xiang Qiuchi rolled his eyes: "It's not dark yet, aunt, don't do this daydreaming too early. Let Gu Zhixin come to see you. If you really want to see him, wait for you in the police station for seven days. Go find him after you swim."

The lady gritted her teeth: "You..."

The assistant behind her answered the phone, bent over and whispered in her ear, wondering what he said.

After that, she stood up and looked at Xiang Qiuchi with cold eyes: "I remember you, you wait for me."

Leave after speaking.

He stretched out his hand to Qiuchi and stopped: "Thank you auntie, I really feel disgusting to make you remember, but you want to go this way. Have you agreed?"

Lady: "I have something to do today, don't talk nonsense with you, you get out of me."

Xiang Qiuchi said, "Come to the hospital to make trouble, and injured the security guard of our hospital. This lady, you can't go anywhere before the police come. This matter can't be solved by you. Let you do this. Easy to leave, where do I put this face?"

The muscles on the lady's face twitched twice and shouted angrily: "Looking for death..."

She turned sideways to the female assistant behind her and said, "Wen Qiang, he gave it to you."

The female assistant nodded: "Yes, ma'am."

In the next second, Xiang Qiuchi felt a fierce murderous attack on his face.

Sideways to avoid Qiu Chi.

The female assistant's skill is very good, her moves are murderous, and her moves are very harsh.

If this is an ordinary person, the people who have been beaten by her at this moment are unconscious.

Unfortunately, the person opposite her is Xiang Qiuchi.

For a man who has been in the killer profession like Xiang Qiuchi and has also been in the top food chain of this profession, if he can't deal with such a person, he should not confuse him.

No matter how fierce the opponent's moves, Xiang Qiuchi is comfortable.

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