You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1280: Of 1280

In order to avoid making everyone feel that he is too powerful, Xiang Qiuchi has tried very hard to hide himself, trying to make himself look...not so powerful.

After beating for a few minutes, Xiang Qiuchi felt that the time was almost up. A grappling squeezed the female assistant’s right arm, and then... removed her arm. For the woman, he had already started very lightly, at least he didn’t break it directly. Just remove the joints.

The female assistant screamed in pain, backed up again and again, and then fell to the ground.

The faces of the lady and the people around her were shocked.

Especially the noble lady, she still believed in her female assistant, but she did not expect that she would be abused so badly in the hospital.

There was a touch of timidity on the lady's face: ""

Xiang Qiuchi shook his arm: "I said, no one would want to leave without my consent."

If he doesn't want to, no one in this world can escape from him.

It is impossible to beat someone in this hospital and want to leave.

The lady gritted her teeth and said: "I don't care what your relationship is with Gu Zhixin and Gu Jingyuan. If you oppose me today, you will regret it in the future."

Xiang Qiuchi sneered: "If you can let me know what regret is, then I really have to thank you auntie, I'll wait."

By coincidence, the police came.

The police who came were all patrolling nearby. They hurried over as soon as they heard that there was a disturbance in the hospital. They all knew Xiang Qiuchi. After they came, they asked directly: "Doctor Gu, what's the matter?"

Xiang Qiuchi pointed to the lady and said, "These people came to the hospital to make trouble, beat other patients and their families, and injured the security of the hospital, endangering public safety. You can take it back..."

The family member who was beaten in the crowd hurriedly said: "Comrade police, look at what they have beaten people into. It's almost like a bandit. I was sitting inside, and the doctor was asking about my condition. This woman is here. , Just let me go out. If I don’t go out, just hit me. My family wants to stop them and they were also beaten. Is there any reason for this?"

Many people in the crowd nodded, and most of them were in the back row.

These patients are still unable to register because of the lady's trouble. They complained to the lady and all of her men.

As soon as the police heard it, without saying anything, they would take the person away.

The police wanted to take the lady away. Of course she disagreed. She screamed: "Whoever dares to touch me, I tell you, if you dare to move me, you will all get out of me."

The onlookers used her mobile phone to record this scene.

Let you arrogantly look back and put it online for you.

The police were not afraid when they heard it, and said directly: "No matter who you are, whether you let us go or not, you have to go with us now, get out, and wait until this matter is over.

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Auntie, if I were you at this time, I would not discredit my ancestors... You said that your clothes are very glamorous, you look like a person with a special temperament, why a mouth, just like that What about the low-level?"

The police were not polite and handcuffed the lady directly. ,

Others who participated in the beating all asked to be witnesses.

The lady was taken away, and she shouted at Qiu Chi angrily: "Asshole, you wait for you to wait for me..."

Waved to Qiuchi, too lazy to talk to such a person.

After the police took everyone away, everyone else gathered around.

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