You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1281: Fluttering

Even Mu Chaochao ran over, looking at Xiang Qiuchi with admiration.

None of them expected that Xiang Qiuchi would be so powerful.

I don't know who raised his head first and applauded Xiang Qiuchi, and then everyone began to applaud.

It made Xiang Qiuchi feel a little bit embarrassed. He just hit a few people, but he didn't expect to let everyone.

The vice president said with a look of excitement: "Dr. Gu is still very good. If it weren't for you, our hospital would have suffered a big loss today. You came to our hospital, but it really made us pick up the treasure, you kid, it's amazing, amazing. ..."

"Yeah, yeah, Doctor Gu, you are really amazing. You have defeated all the bodyguards alone."

A security guard said: "I didn't expect that Doctor Gu, not only did you have good medical skills, but you are also so skilled. You really saved our hospital at a critical juncture. If it weren't for you, we would really have broken arms and short legs..."

Facing the fancy compliments and admiring eyes around, Xiang Qiuchi felt a little unbearable, and quickly said: "Ah, it's nothing, even when I was in college, I studied in the boxing club for a few years..."

Everyone didn't know what level of boxing could be achieved after a few years, anyway, they believed in Xiang Qiuchi.

But if you are an expert, you know that Xiang Qiuchi must be lying. After a few years of boxing, he can knock down a dozen strong men with quite good skills in such a short time. What are you kidding?

If this were the case, domestic boxers would have dominated all levels of the world as bosses.

Xiang Qiuchi used to kill a lot of people, but now he doesn’t kill. He just moved a little bit and taught a few people. Unexpectedly, he was so admired by everyone. He still couldn’t hold everyone’s enthusiasm for a while, which made him very Not used to this, it feels a bit fluttering...

Seeing Mu Chaochao, who was a little shaken in the crowd, Xiang Qiuchi quickly pulled her to the front, protected her, and said to everyone: "Everyone...I have something to do. Everyone is injured. Hurry up and let the doctors and nurses see, so as not to delay treatment."

The deputy dean stood up, raised his hand and said to everyone: "Everyone is gone, what should I do? There are so many patients waiting in line. Get busy. Don't let the patients wait too long."

After the deputy dean spoke, everyone gradually dispersed.

The vice-president looked at Qiuchi in his eyes, which could not hide his appreciation and satisfaction. He sighed with emotion: "Xiao Gu, you are a good one. After all, you are from the Gu family. It is different. Hey, you said you are God. Isn’t it all for you to take care of your family? How come the young people are so outstanding."

Xiang Qiuchi hurriedly said, "Thank you for the compliment. Compared with my cousin, I am still too far behind. I will have to study hard in the future."

The deputy dean waved his hand: "You are so humble, you are such an outstanding young man, I really haven't seen a few of you. The young people in your family are really amazing. Seeing you, I remembered that year. When your cousin was in the hospital, you were quite the same as his back then."

Xiang Qiuchi wanted to leave, but the vice-president pulled him to speak, and he was not good to say that I was leaving. After all, he was an elder in the hospital, so he should respect him.

I can only deal with it with a smile: "Where and where, I still can't compare with my cousin..."

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