You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1286: Shameful

She also has a real face and doesn't want to think about it. Why?

When I was in the hospital today, Gu Zhixin was a little surprised to see Shui Xingyun, but after being surprised, there was only indifference, indifference, or indifference...

Gu Zhixin can probably guess why she is here, but he won't give her a chance. He dignified the second master of the Gu family, could she want to see him? Think of yourself too much, right?

People, sometimes you really can't take yourself too seriously.

You can’t really think that your face can be swiped just like the QR code for payment.

Face, it's worthless.

Gu Jingyuan understands Gu Zhixin. He really has no feelings for Shui Xingyun, but in the final analysis, it is his mother. If the other party really raises something very unreasonable and asks him to help, Gu Zhixin will not go. Doing it, however, will inevitably be upset and bound by hands and feet.

Gu Jingyuan said: "In this case, you just assume that you haven't seen her in the hospital, and you don't know if she will come...I'll take care of this matter."

Gu Zhixin smiled: "Okay, then I'll trouble you big brother..."

"Okay, go down."

"By the way, brother, Bo'er doesn't know about this, don't tell her."

Gu Zhixin didn't want Zhen Bao'er to know that Shui Xingyun had found him, and didn't want her to see that woman.

I don't even want to know that his mother is like that.

He was ashamed.

Gu Jingyuan glanced at him disgustingly: "If I can't even see this, I can still be your brother. If I didn't avoid her, I would tell you directly downstairs."

Gu Zhixin scratched his head: "Hey, thank you brother, then I will go down."

Gu Jingyuan stopped him: "Stand."

"Brother, what else is there?"

Gu Jingyuan: "I think your injury is almost better now, can you go to the company?"

Gu Zhixin's face changed immediately: "Brother, I forgot to tell you. I went to the hospital for a review today. The doctor asked me to rest. My leg is not completely healed. It still hurts today. Oh, it hurts. I have eaten it. It seems that I forgot to take the medicine, brother, I'll go take the medicine as soon as possible..." Before finishing speaking, he ran away.

Gu Jingyuan's face gritted his teeth like splashing ink, this kid seemed to be really playing wild.

He took out his mobile phone and slapped his secretary: "Hey, you will send some of the company's affairs to your home tomorrow. Yes, it is some of the projects that Gu Zhixin was responsible for before, and the backlog during his injury. Bring everything to him..."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Jingyuan let out a groan, "Smelly boy, you think I can't deal with you like this."

Downstairs, Gu Zhixin sneezed firmly.

Feeling cool behind.

He hurried to Zhen Baoer's side and hugged her waist.


At the moment, the police station.

Shui Xingyun has been detained here for more than 8 hours. Originally, she didn't pay attention to the police here.

However, who would have thought that if she called someone to deal with it, these policemen would not give face at all. What else would they say, no one should interfere with justice.

If you break the law, you will be punished. No matter who you are, ancient times still emphasized that the prince broke the law and committed the same crime with the common people. What's more, now, this is a society ruled by law.

Shui Xingyun screamed, and the image was gone, but it was useless.

The lawyer she found wanted to apply for bail, but the police did not agree.


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