You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1287: Want crazy

In short, all kinds of outlets have been found. The police here are given the slightest face. Just one sentence, when the detention time is up, they can release people. Everything is done in accordance with the rules and the law. Don't try to take shortcuts. Who will let you there? The hospital is making trouble, who told you to beat someone, then you say you deserve it?

As time passed by, Shui Xingyun was imprisoned in the police station. His face was well maintained, with a few more wrinkles.

At this moment, she no longer had the lofty, dignified, elegant appearance in the hospital, and she looked more than five years old.

When she first came in, she felt that she would be able to get out here at most for half an hour, and she was even arrogant to the police, as if no one was looking at them. She didn't cooperate with the police when they asked, and she kept saying, today Who brought her here, tomorrow she will let someone go.

However, now, 8 hours have passed, it is already 10 o'clock in the evening, but she has not yet gone out, and it seems that she will not be able to go out tomorrow.

This made Shui Xingyun very scared, and the police asked her to call the lawyer and find her, but it was useless no matter who came.

This is completely different from what Shui Xingyun thought before.

She didn't know how this happened. Although the Sui family is in the south, the Sui family is also influential in Kyoto. It is just a small police station, and she has not committed any serious crimes of murder, so it is so difficult to get her. Get out.

This is obviously not right, very wrong...

Shui Xingyun didn’t think about it, could someone deliberately fix her,

But who is it?

Who can it be?

Shui Xingyun thought of Gu Zhixin, but Gu Zhixin didn't know she was coming at this time.

Shui Xingyun thought of the "Doctor Gu" in the hospital who beat all her people to the ground. She thought to herself, could it be him?

He is also a member of the Gu family. He doesn't know the relationship between her and Gu Zhixin. Yes, he must be right.

Thinking of the key, Shui Xingyun immediately shouted: "I want to see my lawyer, and let my lawyer come over immediately."

She yelled and then a policeman came over: "This lady, this is the police station, but not your home. You can see whoever you want to see? You have already met your lawyer. You want to see you, wait for tomorrow."

She gritted her teeth and said: "I want to see my lawyer right away, otherwise you will be at your own risk if something happens."

The policeman looked at her for a while and nodded, "Okay, I'm arrogant."

Then... gone!

Shui Xing Yunqi's teeth are about to be crushed, but it's useless and useless... People simply ignore her.

She was going crazy, walked back and forth a few times, and then shouted: "Come here, come here..."

The police came over impatiently: "What are you doing? You can't be honest for a while. When the time is up, you will naturally be released."

Shui Xingyun said, "I am Gu Zhixin's mother and Gu Jingyuan's aunt. You, call them immediately and ask them to pick me up."

The police did not speak. He was still holding a bowl of instant noodles with braised beef in his hand. After a while, he sighed: "Auntie, what are you kidding about? Take care of your family. I said, aunt, do you really have a brain? Sick? You are a man from the southern forest city. You are married and have children over there. Your maiden name is Song, and you want to have a relationship with the Gu family. Are you crazy..."

After finishing speaking, the police shook his head, holding the instant noodles and left: "Hey, these days...everyone has it. If you are Gu Jingyuan's aunt, then I'm still his brother."

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