You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1310: Can't hold it

Qin Zheng was taken aback for a moment, wishing to lick his own mouth, and he was so caught in it. I guess his mother was just waiting for his words. He quickly said: "Mom...wait, I haven't finished speaking yet. What..."

Zhou Ping: "You don't want to come back, what else can you say?"

"Hmph, you are all waiting for me to say this, I don't miss you at all now..."

"That's right, you study hard there."

Qin Zheng hurriedly shouted: "Wait, wait...You really don't care about me, if I can't hold it, I won't tell you, really, don't feel sorry for me, I am still not your son! "

Xu Mu waved to him: "Xiaozheng, don’t worry, I’ll talk to the director again... Let him reduce it for you appropriately, so that you can relax... However, you have to hold on. Learn more than you..."

Qin Zheng looked unhappy: "Then you ask the director to cut down on me, filming, what are you doing so seriously? I don't want to win prizes or anything. When filming, it's almost all right... and, moreover, I cry... I'm not crying because of these, there are others..."

If Qin Zheng's words were heard by Xu Mu before, he would definitely kick it over. What is it, and I don't want to win a prize. It's almost enough when shooting? What do you do?

But now...Although it will be a little angry, but...Who makes this unbelievable child belong to his own family?

Moreover, seeing Qin Zheng being so pitiful, he couldn't bear to shout again.

Zhou Ping asked Qin Zheng, "Otherwise, what else?"

Qin Zheng said unhappily: "Someone always bullies me in the crew, saying that I came in the backstage and knows nothing...I know nothing, I just came in the backstage, but...who let me have Well... I can’t help it. Who will let me be your son? However, there is a return, but they can’t always take this one for me. For them, even if I really work hard. , They can’t see it, they still think I’m rubbish, and they will say that I’m pretending to be like this. In that case, why should I try to trouble myself..."

On the first day, Qin Zheng really worked hard.

However, his study items have been cut a lot. Others only saw this, and they didn't even see if he had studied carefully one by one, all pointing at him at the back.

When learning martial arts routines, the martial arts teacher only praised him a few words, saying that he is serious, learns fast and is very good.

However, in the eyes of those people, it becomes a martial arts teacher who is flattering, deliberately to please him...

Those people are really nasty in their hearts, and Qin Zheng is almost annoyed. Although you can't get him off the ground, when you walk by, they all turned their backs and stalked, really making trouble.

Zhou Ping sighed. These are the things that I have to go through when I enter the society. "Can you control other people’s mouths? You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. What you learn is yours." , Will always be you, it has nothing to do with them, you learn this, not for anyone... let alone..."

Zhou Ping sighed again, and then his voice suddenly rose: "Does my old lady usually teach you to be so weak? Did you teach you to be so persuaded? Do you have a long mouth?"

Qin Zheng was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

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