You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1311: Ugly

Qin Se snorted and laughed. Gu Jingyuan shook his body a little, and Gu Jingyuan quickly reached out to support it.

He looked at Zhou Ping and couldn't help saying: Mother-in-law, you never disappoint.

Qin Zheng was still stunned, Zhou Ping said again: "Whoever scolds you, who points to you, won't you scold you back? Anyway, you have a background, are you afraid of what others will do to you? Are you afraid of them beating you? ?"

Qin Zheng swallowed his saliva: "I...I'm really afraid that I'm too arrogant and someone beats me... After all, I'm here by myself, it's really a bit weak."

Zhou Ping was a little angry that this son was not up for it, "If someone beats you, you will remember it for me and let Xu Mu pass and clean him up. You have a backstage, and you are afraid of a fart."

Xu Mu hurriedly nodded from the side: "Yes, your mother is right. What are you afraid of? Remember, you are a crab now. You can walk sideways, don't you?"

Qin Zheng's body couldn't help but straighten up: "But... if I did this, will it burst out that I was bullying people on the crew?"

Xu Mu: "Heh, do you think that if you don't do this now, no one will expose you?"

He can think of it. In a short while, those actors who can't understand Qin Zheng will definitely buy some marketing accounts to expose that Qin Zheng is bullying other actors because of his backstage in the crew.

This is impossible to avoid. .

Qin Zheng scratched his chin: "It seems, it makes sense?"

"Okay, let's see how good you are, what a big deal is this? Act well, don't tell me anything, you don't expect to win a prize, your mother and my vanity are still waiting for you to fulfill it. , This is your first play, please pay attention." Zhou Ping taught Qin Zheng.

"Oh, oh... well, I get it... but... Mom, it seems, it seems... you educate me like this, it seems..."

Parents seem to be educated in this way, which is not very good. Is this making him go the wrong way?

Um... he seems to like it.

Feeling confident now.

What to do, I really want to, now walk sideways.

Zhou Ping: "What does it seem? Do you want to work **** your own, not on the backstage?"

Qin Zheng waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, I didn't say that. Am I the kind of person with backbone?"

He is not so spine. He just relies on the backstage. What's wrong with him? Who will let him have it?

There is no backstage, is he a fool?

Those people looked at him baffledly and scolded him behind their backs, but they didn't want to become him much.

Zhou Ping waved her hand: "It's fine if you know, okay, let's hang up, we still have to eat, don't make trouble."

Qin Zheng stopped again: "Wait... Mom, what are you eating, I'm greedy now... The food here is not delicious... Look, I have lost weight in the past two days..."

Zhou Ping looked at it seriously for a while: "I didn't see that you were thin, but it feels like seems a bit ugly...what did you do, son?"

Qin Zheng stood up while rubbing his mobile phone, and said angrily: "You can say that I am fat, but you can never say that I am ugly, Mom, my face is the only thing I can take out."

Zhou Ping couldn't help but smiled, "Cough... OK, just take it. I didn't speak just now, but are you sure you want to see what we eat?"

Qin Zheng hesitated: ", I can't eat it anyway. By the way, you guys will remember something delicious for me when you come back. Remember more. It's better to get me a refrigerator..."

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