You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1317: Back Pot Man

Several people outside shivered.

"Can him?"

Suddenly Zhuang Shuo's voice sounded: "You don't have to believe it, go now, and then, pack your things and go home tomorrow, maybe from now on, you will say goodbye to the entertainment industry."

They shivered and turned to look, Zhuang Shuo didn't know when he had already stood behind them.

Zhuang Shuo is tall and strong. Standing in a dimly lit place, he can only see a somewhat mighty outline. It looks a bit scary anyway...

However, when they saw Zhuang Shuo, they suddenly seemed to have grasped the straw.

"Zhuang Shuo, Zhuang Shuo... We know that you have a good relationship with Qin Zheng, you can open the door, can you... You... can you help us?"

"Yeah, Zhuang Shuo, you can save us... You have such a good relationship with Qin Zheng, if you go and open the door, he won't do anything to you? But we are different."

"We've known Zhuang Shuo for two years. At this time, you can't help but save your buddies once!"

It seems that if Zhuang Shuo doesn’t go there, it’s not interesting enough. I’m sorry for them.

Zhuang Shuo's face immediately became very ugly. He was kind and reminded them that although he and Qin Zheng spent a short time together, he has been following Qin Zheng for a while, and he thinks this young man is very mindful. Simple children, as long as they can be honest, tell him clearly and apologize, this will pass.

But unexpectedly, these people actually want to let him bear the scourge, let him carry the pot, and treat him as a man of the pot?

Zhuang Shuo interrupted them coldly: "You think I'm a fool, and why I turned it on if I didn't turn it off. Besides, you thought you didn't show up and I went to turn it on. Will you get away with it? It’s too beautiful. Whoever does it will bear it. I can’t understand your sneaky look. Although Qin Zheng came in through the back door, people walked in an upright manner and did not hide it. In the past two days, except for you to exclude him, I don't see how he treats you."

"Don't think about kidnapping me morally. I'm not the kind of Mary Su character. All of you are adults. You don't feel embarrassed when you start with a minor. Now something has happened. Don’t you feel embarrassed if you want me to give you back? The time is coming, you don’t want to mix up, you can go..."

After Zhuang Shuo finished speaking, he turned his head and left. After this incident today, he can see these people clearly. In the future, he will not have too much contact with them. Such people are not worth it. Being friends is not worthy of deep friendship.

On the contrary, it was Qin Zheng's kind. Although he really came in through the back door, he was okay with others and was a person who could make friends.

"Zhuang Shuo...Zhuang Shuo..."

They shouted from behind, but Zhuang Shuo walked quickly without turning his head.

The three minutes Qin Zheng gave was approaching, and they couldn't help it, no one really wanted to go home. It was already very difficult to get this character.

Finally, a few of them said: "Give it a gamble, go together, apologize to him, turn around and comfort him, maybe this will just pass..."

Behind the toilet door, Qin Zheng looked at the time, only the last 10 seconds were left. The door hadn't moved yet, which was too much.


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