You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1318: Like meat

He sneered: "It seems that you really don't want to be mixed up, all right, I can be..."

Before finishing speaking, the door of the room opened, and Qin Zheng saw several people standing outside the door.

"Haha..." Qin Zheng looked at them with a cold smile.

Several people hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, please forgive us, we...we were just confused for a while, so we did such a thing, sorry, I hope you can forgive us..."

Three or four big men are now bowing their heads in front of Qin Zheng to apologize.

For them, it is undoubtedly that they smoke their own big mouths, with a fiery pain on their faces.

Qin Zheng showed a disdainful smile on his face: "You are still a bit of a brain. The door was opened in the last few seconds. If you don't open the door for me, I will really let you **** off tomorrow, Xiaoye."

"Sorry, we knew we were wrong, we really knew we were wrong, we...we were jealous of you, that's why we did such a thing, and we really won't..."

"Yeah, never again, I swear I will never do such a foolish thing again."

They lowered their heads to apologize to Qin Zheng, fearing that when they raised their heads, Qin Zheng could see their eyes full of resentment.

Qin Zheng curled his lips and said, "Don't think that you just apologized for a few random apologies. I know that although you all say this apology now, you may not know how much you hate me."

"How can you say nothing, you just said clearly..."

Qin Zheng raised his chin and said very horizontally: "What did I just say?"

"You just said that as long as we can open the door for you within three minutes, you... will not ask us to settle accounts..."

"Oh, you have a good temper as a young master, I don't need to complain, but... this bad breath hasn't come out yet, young master is very uncomfortable in my heart now, I am uncomfortable, and I will make you unhappy. "

Qin Zheng was secretly refreshed at this moment, how does it feel so good to be a crab?

It's so cool, what you want to say, you can do whatever you want, no wonder you want to be a bully, yes, he likes it.

Especially seeing the uneasiness in the eyes of the few elders on the opposite side, Qin Zheng felt even more refreshed.

"You... what do you want?"

Qin Zheng rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, I am tired after training every day, but I am a person who likes to be clean again. The clothes and socks I change every day..."

The person on the other side will understand if the words are not finished.

"We wash..."

Qin Zheng nodded, considering that you still know each other.

If you don't even understand this hint, don't be an actor, you can't get mixed up anyway!

He said again: "I don't want to eat food in the cafeteria tomorrow."

The food in the cafeteria was so different every day, and after only two days, Qin Zheng was tired of eating and didn't want to eat it anymore.

Who made his family's food so delicious?

When he said this, an actor immediately said: "What do you want to eat tomorrow, I will go out and buy it for you. I know there is a breakfast shop nearby. The beef pies and leek boxes are very delicious... There is also a noodle shop with beef Ramen is also delicious, their braised beef is a must in this piece..."

Qin Zheng became interested when he heard it: "Okay, let's eat pies tomorrow morning... Beef noodles at noon, buy me more beef... I like meat..."

"Okay, no problem... Then... Is there anything else? Or... I see something delicious outside, can I buy you something?"


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