You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1319: very nice

Qin Zheng saw that they did not resist at all, accepting fate honestly, and secretly happy, haha, there is no need to wash clothes, tomorrow's breakfast and lunch are all gone, he is really great, quite bluffing!

Qin Zheng coughed and lifted his chin: "Yes, when I was growing up, I was hungry fast, but now beside me..."

"Understood, I will go out to buy you snacks when the study is over."

"Okay, for the time being... that's it. When I think of something else, I'll look for you again."

After Qin Zheng finished speaking, he walked in front of them with his hands on his back, swaggering, really like an uncle, and full of frames.

The few people behind him quickly asked: "Then you still..."

Qin Zheng's voice came: "As long as you satisfy me and let my breath disappear, I will... The adults don't care about the villains, and it depends on your performance."

After he left, the faces of the actors changed immediately.

"The villain is determined... I didn't expect that one day, I would be threatened like this."

"Look at his proud look just now. If it weren't for his backstage at home, I would have really taken it away."

"Forget it, let's take it today. It's already very good now. It's just washing clothes, buying food, children, it's soothing, but just eating and drinking... just hold it..."

Several of them sighed, and each sighed the injustice of the world.

"What kind of world do you think this is? Why can't people with the ability and hard work be treated fairly, and why these people with the background can get what we dream of without hard work?"

"Isn't this the status quo in today's society? It is very difficult for us to join this group, so let's not have trouble."

After they sighed with emotion, they complained about their misfortune, and then returned to the classroom of study.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw that the performance teacher was talking to Qin Zheng, explaining one-on-one performance skills. They really couldn't hate this treatment.

Qin Zheng listened earnestly, as long as he did not involve physical exercise, he was still willing to learn.

The performance teacher said to Qin Zheng, "Do you know if you want to read the script more? Read it thoroughly and understand, not only to understand your own role, but also to understand the entire social background at that time, and look at it when you are fine. The documentaries of that era, and some, good war films, spy films... Try to integrate yourself into that era. You have to think for yourself. In such a troubled era, you are incarnate. Character, what do you want to do..."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Well, yes, thank you teacher..."

The acting teacher looked at Qin Zheng and said seriously: "You are still young, this is your first play. Once you perform it, your future will be very smooth."

Qin Zheng replied: "In terms of acting, I will work hard."

The performance teacher patted Qin Zheng on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Don't live up to your own unique conditions..."

Qin Zheng was stunned and nodded: "Oh..."

He scratched his head. What this said made him feel that if he was not popular with such good conditions and resources, he would feel like an idiot?

After studying and returning to the temporary dormitory, one of the male actors ran out to buy snacks for Qin Zheng, and the other picked up the clothes and socks he had changed to wash.

The bedroom suddenly felt that this picture was extremely beautiful.

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