You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1320: Envy

Zhuang Shuo was surprised when he saw this scene, and said, "They are...really honest..."

Although Zhuang Shuo left, he was sure at the time that those people would definitely open the door to Qin Zheng, and none of them could take the risk, but he really didn’t expect that it would take them a while. Zheng Tune is honest.

Qin Zheng half leaned on the bed, holding the script in his hand, and raised his eyebrows proudly as he read it: "That's...don't look at who I am, Xiaoye."

Now Qin Zheng’s mood is completely different from before he sent Zhou Ping’s voice and video. At that time, he felt that this day was too difficult. He didn’t want to stay for a minute, so he wanted to go home and make a good job. There should be no counterattack ideas.

But now, Qin Zheng feels that these days are not so difficult, and it feels good to be here. He still wants to stay here for more time.

After all, someone is waiting, he doesn't need to wash his own clothes and smelly socks, he also has snacks, his material life is satisfied, and he doesn't have so many ideas.

So, he doesn't want to leave now.

Zhuang Shuo was very curious: "What did you do?"

Qin Zheng raised a finger: "One word..."

"What word?"

Qin Zheng lifted his awkward face: "Because I'm'horribly'!"

Zhuang Shuo was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "You are...really a treasure boy, Qin Zheng, you are so interesting. I like you..."

Qin Zheng froze for a moment, and looked at Zhuang Shuo disgustedly: "You go away, go away... I don't like you..."

"Don't..." Zhuang Shuo approached Qin Zheng with a smile.

Qin Zheng looked disgusted and raised his foot to kick him.

After a while, the actor who washed his clothes came back and helped him dry the clothes. Seeing that the one who went to buy him snacks had not yet returned, he said, "I still have two bags of chocolates. Eating..."

"Okay." Qin Zheng was not polite at all and nodded directly.

"Then I will get it for you."

After the people left, Zhuang Shuo asked Qin Zheng, "You are not afraid of them...framing you and giving you some medicine in the food?"

Qin Zheng was stunned for a moment, he really didn't think about it: "No... yes, I and them... this... shouldn't you hate me so much?"

Zhuang Shuo sighed: "Why not, in the entertainment industry, what is medicine? There are all deadly. You are too young and your ideas are too naive. You don't know how deep the water is and how dirty it is..."

Qin Zheng touched his chin, "I... really don't know, then... these should be framed, they should not be so stupid. At this time, give me medicine. If I eat something bad, I must know it. Who? If anything happens to me, my mother, my brother-in-law, and that... no one will spare them..."

Qin Zheng knows that his status in the family is low, but... the attribute of the short-term guardian of their family will not change. No matter what, he is a family member. He has been bullied. The family member absolutely has to deal with someone.

Zhuang Shuo smiled: "You are so happy... and it is really a very awkward system. You are too jealous."

Qin Zheng sighed with emotion: "Hey...too good, there is no way... Mu Xiu Yulin must be jealous, and I am also very distressed!"

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