You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1321: Do you take medicine?

Zhuang Shuo glared at him: "Fuck you, you are excellent, don't be kidding..."

"Hahaha...I'm telling the truth, I think I'm really good in some aspects, otherwise, how come so many people like me..."

Zhuang Shuo smiled: "Didn't you say that your fans are all fake fans?"

Zhuang Shuo watched the interaction between Qin Zheng and his fans, and participated in the reply. He wrote: It doesn't matter, you have a beautiful face, you are still the pinnacle of appearance.

When Qin Zheng heard that his fans looked awkward: "Don't mention it, the current fans, really, they specifically put needles on their idol heart..."

"Your fans are very cute, really, so cute..."

Qin Zheng: "Cut... they don't love me, what else did they say, went to the ophthalmology department, treated their eyes, huh..."

With that said, the person who bought Qin Zheng's snacks returned.

He bought a lot, big plastic bags, and carried two bags.

There are all kinds of snacks inside.

Qin Zheng looked at the snacks, his eyes lit up, and he brought back 10 skewers of roast lamb, two roasted chicken legs, and two roasted chicken wings.

"When I came back, I saw that there was a barbecue on the side of the road. There were a lot of people and it smelled very good, so I bought some, you try it, do you like it?"

In front of Qin Zheng, he was very honest at this time. He knew that now that he wanted to please Qin Zheng, he was happy, and this matter might be over.

Qin Zheng sniffed, and couldn't help but nod his head. The barbecue smelled really good.

Qin Zheng’s grilled slightly charred tops, sprinkled with cumin powder and chili noodles, made people very appetizing, and Qin Zheng rubbed his hands and grabbed the lamb skewers.

Qin Zheng opened his mouth to eat, but the actor who bought the snacks stood there nervously. He stopped and asked, "You...give me medicine?"

The other party was startled and shook his head again and again: "No no...Of course no..."

"Then what are you doing with a look of fear? Of course...If you are given the drug, the people in my family can indeed make you worse than death, but without the drug, I will not trouble you. I am not the kind of person who makes troubles. ?"

The cold sweat on the actor's forehead suddenly came out, and he quickly said: "No no, you can eat without worry, I will never do that kind of thing, don't worry..."

Qin Zheng opened his mouth to bite off a piece of lamb, and nodded again and again: "Hmm...not bad, the grilled is charred on the outside and tender inside, and the taste is also very good..."

"You like it..."

Qin Zheng grabbed three skewers of lamb and handed them to the actor: "Thank you, ha, these two skewers, you can take them to eat..."

"No, I...I don't need it..."

"Take it, you buy it for me, it's still hot, it's going fast on the road, thank you."

The actor hesitated for a moment, and reached out to take it: "Thank you... Then, if you have nothing else, I will go back first."

Qin Zheng nodded: "Um..."

The actor turned and went out.

After he left, Qin Zheng beckoned Zhuang Shuo to come over: "Come on, let's eat together, this lamb skewers are really good, not mutated at all..."

Zhuang Shuo picked up a bunch and said, "You really dare to eat it."

"Is there anything I dare not eat? It's okay."

Zhuang Shuo smiled: "You have a big heart...not afraid at all!"

The actor who took the mutton skewers out, felt that his knees were weakening when he went out, and walked back to his room with force.


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