You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1322: problem occurs

He was really taken aback. In fact, he really wanted to drug Qin Zheng, but at the last moment, he held back.

Now think about it, fortunately not, otherwise, he would really die.

His roommate is the one who is going to buy Qin Zheng breakfast and lunch tomorrow. He said, "I'm back from buying food for Qin Zheng..."

He nodded: "Hmm..."

"Have you spoiled the bastard?"

He shook his head: "No, I urge you to dispel this idea. Although he ate directly, but he was prepared, he just said directly. If we dare to give him medicine, it will make me dead. Although he is young, he is not a silly white sweet..."

"Could it be impossible to clean him up?"

"Let’s suppress the idea of ​​tidying up him first. Now filming is the most important thing. Don’t toss and toss and get rid of your role."

"You're right, it's important to film now, wait until the filming is over..."


Since this night, Qin Zheng's quality of life has changed significantly.

The next day, the deputy director came over directly and chatted with Qin Zheng and Yan Yuese, and told him that he should feel at ease in filming. If there is any problem, he can go directly to him. Physical training will be appropriately reduced for him. However, Acting classes will give him a corresponding increase.

Qin Zheng thinks that this is no problem. In class, as long as he is not tired to die, he is fine.

Therefore, Qin Zheng became the only one among all the actors who came to train. The physical training was reduced again and again. The morning jog was changed from 3000 to 1000.

This makes other actors jealous.

However, they also saw the attitude of the assistant director and all the staff of the crew towards Qin Zheng, so naturally they didn't dare to say that it was too much.

Of course, if someone accidentally heard Qin Zheng face to face, he would not pretend not to hear, and would just go back.

Since Qin Zheng talked to Zhou Ping, he has sincerely regarded himself as a constant crab.

Xiaoye is Heng, what are you doing.

After the actors of the crew had suffered from Qin Zheng's several losses, no one dared to make another one after seeing him.


Qin Zheng's life here is better, but the family is not so clean now.

Both Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer had decided where to go, and the local hotel and plane tickets had been booked. As a result, they were going out and something went wrong.

After breakfast in the morning, the two took their suitcases to go to the airport.

But at this time, Gu Huaizhang came.

Also brought Shui Xingyun and Song Mingjue.

After seeing Shui Xingyun's face, the smile on Gu Zhixin's face disappeared in an instant, and it froze for an instant, and the chill under his eyes was like a biting cold wind.

Shui Xingyun was already ready to perform, but after meeting Gu Zhixin's eyes, his face seemed to be frozen.

Seeing Shui Xingyun, Zhen Baoer hurriedly pulled Gu Zhixin and said in a low voice, "Hey...Isn't this the very horizontal lady that the hospital saw that day?"

Gu Zhixin squeezed Zhen Bao'er's hand tightly without speaking.

Gu Huaizhang didn't know anything yet. He saw Gu Zhixin and Zhen Bao'er pulling their suitcases and asked, "Zhixin, are you going out here?"

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Yes, Uncle Gu, Zhixin and I are going to go out for a few days, and we are going to the airport..."

Gu Zhixin said lightly: "Uncle, come to Aunt Ping and my elder brother, we are running out of time, so we will leave. "

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