You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1323: Afraid of son

He didn't seem to see Shui Xingyun, bowed his head and said to Zhen Baoer: "Boer, let's go, lest we miss the plane."

Zhen Baoer nodded: "Well, good..."

Although Zhen Bao'er was also very strange in her heart, how did the extravagant wife in the hospital come, but now that she is going out, she has no time to think too much.

Gu Huaizhang hurriedly said: "Zhixin, you guys wait a moment... I don't know if you are going out to play, look, do you want to... change your ticket, these two have something to do with you..."

Zhen Baoer was surprised: "Looking for new knowledge?"

She raised her head questioningly and glanced at Gu Zhixin: "Do you know them?"

Gu Zhixin lowered his head and smiled at her, then shook his head: "I don't know..."

Shui Xingyun quickly said: "Zhixin, I am you..."

Gu Zhixin planned her words: "Uncle, you understand my elder brother's temper. Anyone you don't know and who you don’t know will be brought here. When is this place? Before you came, you asked my elder brother. ?"

"I..." Gu Huaizhang's face immediately showed anxiety, and he forgot.

When he saw the Yuan Qinghua and the Northern Song Dynasty Junci today, he was going crazy with excitement, and he didn't have time to think about the others.

In front of Gu Huaizhang, Shui Xingyun cried and regretted with false feelings, telling how much she missed Gu Zhixin for so many years, how much she wanted to see him, what to say, don't ask, Gu Zhixin can forgive him, just ask... It's enough to see him again.

So Gu Huaizhang didn't think much about it and brought them over.

Gu Huaizhang actually didn't know what happened to Gu Zhixin. He didn't even see his own son until he was in his 20s, let alone Gu Zhixin?

Back then, Gu Jingyuan reviewed his home again and came back with Gu Zhixin.

Gu Huaizhang's knowledge of Gu Zhixin was limited to two or three years, and the time was not long.

How does he know what Gu Zhixin has experienced?

As soon as Shui Xingyun cried and acted, he just fooled him over. He really thought that in these years, Shui Xingyun no longer missed his son.

In fact, Gu Huaizhang was completely overwhelmed by the two porcelains. He had no energy at all, and no brain to think about what was wrong.

Gu Huaizhang was fascinated by porcelain. He had a simple mind. The exquisite and rare treasures were in front of him. Even if the two people in front of him said absurdly, he would believe it.

What's more, he thinks, isn't it just meeting someone, it's nothing, just meet.

As for what impact this meeting will have on Gu Zhixin, whether he wants to see it or not, Gu Huaizhang didn't think about it, and he didn't bother to think about it.

Now, when he got here, Gu Zhixin's words made Gu Huaizhang feel a little uneasy. Why did he forget his son?

This is his son's home. His most important people are all here. He just brings people here, his son is definitely not willing.

Gu Huaizhang was afraid: "I...I...this..."

He watched that Gu Jingyuan was not in the living room, and hurriedly said: "Mrs. Song, while my son is not in the living room, or you should leave as soon as possible. We will talk about the meeting next time."

The faces of Shui Xingyun and Song Mingjue suddenly became a bit dark.

Seeing Gu Huaizhang mentioning his son with a distressing look, the two of them were extremely surprised. Are they fathers? A father who is so afraid of his son?

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