You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1341: Miserable

Downstairs, the buns in the kitchen are already on the pot and steaming.

Zhou Ping washed her hands and came out, Xu Mu was in the kitchen, tidying up the stall.

Bai Lu has not come out until now. Qin Se will tell her what happened. After listening, she shook her head and said: "No wonder how your mother said that Zhixin was in trouble recently, and that the relationship was with the debtor but came to collect the debt. ?"

Qin Se nodded again and again, didn't it? It's really a rare thing that the woman who has the face and the debtor came to collect the debt.

"That's right, Aunt Bai, you are right, you should come out today, look at that aunt's bitter face, don't look at my way, but I can see that she is really wicked..."

Bai Lu laughed, "Yes, that's right..."

"It's just that the lack of morality and lack of morality is too cruel, so now I have suffered retribution." Zhou Ping wiped her hands and walked over.

"So, this person, when he was young, he must think clearly when he is doing things. Don't say everything, say everything, even if it's okay at the time, but wait and see, the grass snake gray line, foreshadowing thousands of miles, this is all It's the bane. Sooner or later, this root will sprout and grow."

Qin Se hurriedly gave up his seat: "Mom, you sit down and sit down... Isn't that Mrs. Song unsaved? I'm not talking about her life, but her family's affairs are not saved?"

Zhou Ping sat down and took a sip from the water glass.

"How do I know, I don't know what's going on in his house, besides, I only saw her face, but no other people..."

Qin Se regretted, "That...what a pity..."

Before she finished speaking, Zhou Ping said again: "But...I see her swift bad luck, it should be irretrievable..."

Qin Se's eyes lit up: "So... she can't change her fate in her miserable old age, so... In other words, her family can't get better?"

Zhou Ping said lightly: "If you think so, it's not impossible."

Qin Se laughed: "Hahaha, I'm relieved, I don't want to see her doing well."

"It's okay, you don't say such things..." Zhou Ping stopped Qin Se from speaking.

Qin Se hurriedly covered her mouth, "Well, I'm not gloating on my mouth..." She secretly thought that it was always okay.

Bai Lu said: "After all, it's a mother and child. I'm worried, will this kid know whether..."

Qin Se shook his head: "No, if he is soft-hearted, the sun can come up from the west."

She was not worried about what Gu Zhixin would do to get confused.

He didn't kill people directly. In fact, he was very, very restrained, and asked him to help Shui Xingyun and be a victim. He was not good at this.

Xu Mu came out of the kitchen and asked Zhou Ping, "I'm going to see Xiaozheng tomorrow. Would you like to bring him something?"

Zhou Ping nodded: "Okay... I'll go to his room to clean up and bring him some clothes..."

Bai Lu jumped up from the sofa: "Why didn't you say it earlier? I hurried to the supermarket and bought some pig's feet, chicken feet and chicken wings. You brought it to him. There are also snacks. I will also buy more... "

She really loved Qin Zheng. Before Xu Mu could reply, she ran upstairs, took her wallet and car keys, and ran directly to the supermarket.

In the supermarket, Bailu bought a lot of things after buying it. She bought two full carts for the big carts in the supermarket, and she was so heavy that she couldn't push them.

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