You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1342: Your mother

At the checkout, the young lady at the cashier was dumbfounded when she saw it. Isn't this too much?

Does this person open an Internet cafe at home? Isn't it right to open a restaurant? It's not right... So why does her family make such a thing?

The customers in line behind her saw those things and moved to the side automatically. They would rather go in a long line than wait behind her. It would be dark when she settled the bill.

After Bailu settled the bill, even if he used the largest bag, he filled 5 bags.

Bailu couldn't carry it all at once. First, he left the three bags in the place where the supermarket returned and exchanged items. Then, carrying two bags by himself, it was very difficult to come to the parking lot.

After tossing back and forth for a full half an hour, there was a middle-aged uncle who wanted to come over to talk to Bailu to help her carry things, but... she saw through the other party's plot at a glance and was directly rejected by her.

Although Bai Lu doesn't have Zhou Ping's glaring eyes, but looking at the man, she has a perfect look...

Isn’t she seeing her good figure and her career line almost exposed, so she wanted to come over and take advantage.

Heh... will she give him a chance?

Not to mention now, even before, she would not look for this kind of man if she was hungry.

Bai Lu only got into the car. She sat in the driver's seat and rested for a while before starting the car to go home.

When Bai Lu came back, Qin Se looked at the writing and couldn't help swallowing, and asked: "Aunt Bai, these... can I eat these?"

"You... can do it too... but I'll leave it to Xiaozheng first, and I'll buy it for you tomorrow."

Qin Se said seriously: "Aunt Bai, I think you are Xiaozheng's mother."

Bai Lu laughed: "Xiaozheng is still small..."

"But I think that if you let Uncle Xu bring him so many things at once, the plane probably won't get on the plane..."

"This... spend more money, check it in."

Qin Se quietly stretched out his hand, grabbed a bag of soaked chicken paws, and said, "If you have the consignment money, it is better to buy some snacks online and send it to him. It will save trouble."

Bai Lu was stunned for a moment: "Eh, yeah, why didn't I expect it..."

Panting, she sat down, took out her mobile phone, clicked on the shopping website, and directly looked for snacks: "Then let Xu Mu take some of these to him first, and I will buy some from the Internet and send it to him. This child is out alone. what……"


Qin Se tore open the packaging bag and pinched a white paw, not knowing what to say.

Qin Zheng... Now I really think that my life is quite moist. After all, Xu Mu is taking care of him, and his little days are happy.

While talking about Qin Zheng, Qin Se's cell phone rang.

It was a request for video dialogue from Qin Zheng.

Qin Se smiled: "Emotion knows that we are talking about him..."

She clicked to accept, and the next second, Qin Zheng's face popped out.

Qin Se asked him: "Why don't you train now? Isn't it time to eat?"

Qin Zheng said: "My training program has been reduced a lot, my morning training is over, I can rest..."

His training intensity and items have been reduced, and the morning training can be done easily.

Now, Qin Zheng's life is very comfortable.

Qin Se tut: "Oh, life is going well, I ended training so early, in that case, I think... I can tell Uncle Xu that I don't need to bring you anything when I go..."

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