You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1343: Very moisturizing

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard it: "Will Xu Mu come over, let him bring me something delicious, and ask Mom and Aunt Bai to give me more braised meat, I want to eat..."

Qin Se deliberately said: "You know that... no, don't think about it."

Bai Lu hurried over and said: "Xiaozheng, don't worry, I will get it for you. You will send me your address, and I will buy you some snacks from the Internet and send it to you..."

Qin Se heard Qin Zheng's cheers: "Wow, Aunt Bai, I knew that only you at home loved me the most..."

Bai Lu said: "Your mother also loves you very much. She prepared things for you a long time ago. How are you there? Are you tired? This face is thinner..."

"I'm not tired today, I was so tired before..." Qin Zheng cupped his face, "Aunt Bai, did I just look less beautiful because my face became thinner?"

"No, don't you always look good, but you can't be thinner anymore. Boys should still be stronger, too thin and easy to be bullied..."

Qin Zheng patted his chest and said, "No, no, I don't bully others now... I'm pretty awesome now, I don't have any dishes..."

Since Zhou Ping gave him a love education last time, Qin Zheng's life is going well now, serving tea, pouring water, washing and buying food, all of which are done for him. He doesn't have to worry about life problems.

Qin Zheng now spends most of his time studying the script, (actually, it's mainly boring...), I have nothing to do at night, and Chen Mo is not there. No one will accompany him to play games together.

Although Zhuang Shuo sometimes fights with him, Qin Zheng really dislikes him because he is too food.

Qin Zheng felt that he was insulting his holy name, and he was reluctant to play twice. As for the rest of the crew, they dare not play with Qin Zheng now.

Now that Qin Zheng is in the crew, it's not just going to the back door, but also crossing.

Qin Zheng heard that some people secretly rushed to sue him, saying that he was arrogant and arrogant. He didn't put anyone in his eyes and let others treat him like an uncle.

Of course, this kind of small report will definitely have no results. The assistant directors in the crew all know what Qin Zheng came from. As long as Qin Zheng is not lawless, they will not take care of it. of.

Isn't Qin Zheng still far behind in the game?

Qin Se listened to Qin Zheng's words and leaned over, "I see your Weibo on Weibo, and now the little life is very moist..."

"That's, you don't look at who your brother is, of course it's too much moisture, I..."

Qin Zheng didn't finish speaking and was interrupted by a voice: "Qin Zheng, the milk tea I bought for you has arrived..."

Qin Zheng turned his head to see that it was one of the people who kept him in the toilet at the time. He was usually responsible for buying food and drinking for him.

Qin Zheng lifted his chin, deliberately pretending to be crazy and cool, "I didn't tell you, I don't need to buy it for me, why did you buy it again?"

"I think you are still young and you usually like to eat snacks, so... Don't be angry, you have bought it for the last time, you can drink it first..." The other party hurriedly delivered the milk tea to Qin Zheng .

Qin Zheng looked at the milk tea, was silent for two seconds, and then reached out arrogantly to take it, "Well, I will reluctantly accept it this time, I don't have to buy it for me in the future..."

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