You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1370: Conquer her

Jin Yumeng just hit him at this time, so could he take advantage of it.

But Song Mingjue is not an adventurous person. He knows that it is not so easy to get a person to obey him completely. Jin Yumeng is fiercely chasing him at present, but if he opens his mouth to let their family take It is impossible to spend a lot of money.

Therefore, it is necessary to make Jin Yumeng completely fall in love with him, thinking that he has given everything, including his life, before he can get what he wants.

The less he can get, the better. He can't change Jin Yumeng too much all of a sudden, he just wants her to reach it, but not get it, he wants to catch her and hang her.

Obviously Song Mingjue was successful, and his mind was more than enough to deal with Jin Yumeng.

Although he was very disdainful of Jin Yumeng in his heart, even disgusting and disgusting, he did not show it on his face.

He wants to tame Jin Yumeng a little bit, let her listen to her completely and control her.

In fact, his approach is similar to the brainwashing of MLM organizations and cult organizations.

As long as the brainwashing succeeds, you will let her sit in absurd things, he will not refuse, let her worship him as a god, do everything for him, what he said is the will of God.

Song Mingjue is confident of success. When he was in university, he learned not only some economics, but he has read many books on thought control.

Just thinking about Jin Yumeng, she called.

Song Mingjue didn't save Jin Yumeng's cell phone number, but her cell phone called too many times, so Song Mingjue had already remembered it.

He looked at the number on the screen with a cold face and didn't rush to connect. Song Mingjue didn't connect until the first ringing ended and the other party called for the second time.

But after the call, Song Mingjue deliberately pretended not to be called by Jin Yumeng, and said in a cold voice: "Hello, this is Song Mingjue."

Jin Yumeng's aggrieved voice came on the phone: "My dear... you haven't saved my number yet, you are so sad..."

However, Song Mingjue only said indifferently: "Sorry, what's the matter?"

He has always treated Jin Yumeng like this at present, cold and alienated, polite and polite, seeming to be very inaccessible.

But it won't be complete, it won't have any chance for the other party.

He knew that women like Jin Yumeng who play the world, like many men, have a desire to conquer, especially when they meet a type that he has never met, the more eager to conquer him.

It's like climbing a mountain. The higher you go, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will double the moment you climb.

Jin Yumeng said aggrieved: "You are still like this, don't give anyone a chance, you are not afraid that I will really let you go, don't like you?

But Song Mingjue said directly: "Since you didn't say anything to say, I'll hang up first, and I still have things to deal with."

Treating Jin Yumeng, he is like this now, not being merciful, and hanging his appetite.

Jin Yumeng said anxiously: "Eh, wait, wait, don't worry, I have something to tell you, come to Apollo at 8 o'clock this evening, I will introduce you to a great god, you will definitely be very happy."

However, Song Mingjue said: "I don't have time...First of all..."

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