You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1371: Fishing

Jin Yumeng became anxious when she heard it, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, wait, don't you worry, can you listen to me and finish talking? Are you so unwilling to see me? You don't like hearing me so much. I haven't seen you today. I miss you so much. You give me a chance anyway. I will feel embarrassed if I am a girl chasing you behind you like this. I..."

Song Mingjue, "I said we were not suitable..."

Jin Yumeng was a little sad: "Although it is not right now, I will try to change it. Anyway, you don't have a girlfriend now, so why don't you give me a chance? I will work hard, I will work hard to become what you like Is that kind of person okay?"

In front of Song Mingjue, Jin Yumeng was really humble.

She was also the daughter of the Jin family, and she was held by others when she was out.

However, in front of Song Mingjue, her high head had to be lowered, but even if she lowered her posture, Song Mingjue still didn't like her much.

This made Jin Yumeng both frustrated and high-spirited.

She has killed countless men. Except for having broken Gu Zhixin's body, no man has escaped her palm. Maybe some of them are just to be chuang with her and don't like her.

However, Jin Yumeng felt that it didn't matter, it didn't matter.

When a man lies on your bed, no matter how repulsive he is in his heart, he cannot deny that he is interested in you. ,

Although there are always some people advertised, my soul and body are separate.

Such an aura is all nonsense, how can it be separated, the soul and the body are both the same person, and both belong to the same person. Those words are just to deceive yourself and make your heart feel better.

Jin Yumeng's thoughts towards Song Mingjue are quite simple, no matter the person or the body, it is the same to conquer.

Song Mingjue interrupted Jin Yumeng's complaint: "Miss Jin, I really have something to do, I'm busy now."

Jin Yumeng hurriedly said: "Okay, I told you about the business, and I'll just hang it up. You really don’t understand at all. The great **** I introduced to you today is not an ordinary person. Do you want to learn how to trade stocks? It just so happens that tonight is an opportunity. The great **** I just mentioned is a very powerful stock **** who suddenly appeared in the financial circle of Kyoto in the past six months. The stocks, there is nothing that does not rise, the few people who walked close to him have made a lot of money in the past six months..."

"So I thought, if you can recognize him, have friendship with him, and want to make money in stocks, you can really get rich overnight. Of course, as the eldest son of the Song family, it is true that you are not short of money, but, He can indeed teach you a lot of experience and knowledge in this aspect of stock trading. The opportunity is rare, you can't miss it... I have a friend, a friend who knows that great god, so I bought some, but only one or two million. Looks like, in the end, it only took a week, and it doubled several times..."

After Jin Yumeng finished speaking, there was no voice on the other end of the phone.

Song Mingjue was thinking about this at this moment. If the other party is really a very powerful god, then he should definitely come and get to know him.

Moreover, he actually didn't want to really reject Jin Yumeng completely, he was going to wait for this time, Jin Yumeng approached him for the second time, and the third time he pretended to be impatient and agreed to go.

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