You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1383: Fooling around

After returning, Shui Xingyun was always angry.

Last night, I didn't sleep well, so I waited for Song Mingjue to come back and question him. Who thought, he didn't return all night.

Shui Xingyun saw that Song Mingjue's legs were weak, her dark circles were heavy, and her walking was a little trembling, so she thought that he must have been tossing with that woman on the bed for too long last night, so that's why he lost strength.

Thinking this way makes me even more angry.

The Song family is like this, he still has the face to go out and fool around with women, is he still a human?

Song Mingjue came up from the downstairs, she was almost unable to walk, and she wished she could fall asleep while standing.

He said, "Mom, I will go to bed first. I am very sleepy now. If there is any problem, I will tell you when I wake up."

Song Mingjue naturally heard that Shui Xingyun's tone was wrong, but now he really does not have the strength to explain, nor the energy to explain, he is very sleepy and wants to sleep.

People who haven't stayed up all night can't understand Song Mingjue's feeling at the moment. People seem to be not their own.

The brain can't control the body, the eyelids are fighting all the time, the limbs are floating, and they are afraid of falling when walking.

Shui Xingyun refused to let him go, "You stop, if you don't make it clear, you are not allowed to sleep. If you still let me be your mother, you can tell me clearly now, what did you do last night!"

Song Mingjue was irritable, "Mom, you didn't see that I am feeling bad now, am I very sleepy, can't you wait for me to rest?"

Shui Xingyun stood up and came to Song Mingjue to stop him: "Can't wait, you told me yesterday that all of us are going to finish the Song family, but you, you don’t want to find a way for the Song family. What did you do?"

Song Mingjue's voice raised his voice: "What did you do? Of course I went to find a way for the Song family to find a way out. Mom, can you stop making trouble? Let me go to sleep. When I wake up, what do you want to ask? I will tell you all."

Song Mingjue didn't understand what his mother was suddenly going crazy, so she didn't let him go.

It's not the first time he hasn't come back at night. Why did he and her react so much this time?

But Song Mingjue has no brain thinking about this now, so he wants to go back to sleep as soon as possible.

Shui Xingyun sneered: "Hehe... Looking for a way out, do you think I don’t know? You kept saying that you would find a way for the Song family, but in fact you took a woman out to fool around. Look at what you are now, you Is it still my son? Are you still a wicked person? Your sister is still lying on the hospital bed, life or death uncertain, and you still have the heart to play with women. Yesterday you accused me of ignoring the Song family and thinking of Taotao, but you, you will Song family Will Taotao..."

Song Mingjue suddenly furious, and shouted: "Enough..."

His head was about to explode, and Song Mingjue's eyes were red and **** because of lack of sleep.

He stared at Shui Xingyun, and she couldn't help getting scared when she saw her, and she couldn't help but step back.

Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth and said: "I...I'm your mother, what's wrong with my criticism of you?"

Song Mingjue's face was full of disgust, "What do you know? You don't understand anything, so you ran to me and pointed out that I was not a human being. What do you think you can get?"

"Suspect I don't want to do it, then you go by yourself, and you see if you continue to make trouble, Gu Zhixin will kill you."


Let’s go through these three chapters first. I’m so sleepy. I can see if I can fall asleep when I lie down. When I fall asleep, I will write at dawn.

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