You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1384: do not bother me

Shui Xingyun screamed: "He dares, I am his mother, even if he does not recognize me, he will not dare to kill me, otherwise, he will be condemned by heaven..."

Song Mingjue said in disgust: "Oh, a mother of yours can abandon her own son without being condemned by God, why can't he?"

At this moment, Song Mingjue had no patience with Shui Xingyun. Her voice was sharp and piercing, as if it were just a nail. She pierced his head and made his already painful head more painful.

Almost as if it had exploded, Song Mingjue held his forehead so that he could barely stand.

He was really going crazy, what kind of sin he had done in his previous life that he met such a savage mother.

At this time, Song Mingjue was envious of Gu Zhixin.

Because Gu Zhixin can ignore such a mother at all, and can separate her from her.

However, he cannot.

Shui Xingyun shook his head repeatedly: "I...I didn't kill him, I didn't kill her!"

Although she said this, Shui Xingyun's face was still pale.

It can be seen that her own heart is imaginary.

Song Mingyue sarcastically said: "No, you were killing him back then, you were killing him back then, you left a child without any survivability, didn't you just let him die? You didn't want him to live at all. He can survive, but in fact, you were very upset and annoyed..."

Song Mingjue said these words, feeling a little happy.

However, I felt very pitiful. Poor Shui Xingyun also pityed himself, poor, their family.

Their home has not yet reached the brink of complete collapse, but it is already torn apart.

Shui Xingyun screamed: "I didn't, it's all your nonsense, I... how could I be willing to let my own child die..."

Her voice is very loud, she is such a person, when encountering things, she will only shout in her throat and use a sharp voice to disguise her guilty conscience.

She is stupid, selfish, and very vicious...

Song Mingjue shook his head: "No, you are, you are such a person, you only love yourself, you do not love anyone, in fact, Taotao, you do not love her, you just think Taotao looks like you, you Treat her as your own love. If the Song family collapses, I think you will be the first to give up Taotao. You will not take out your private money for her. You will take your own money the first time. , How far to run..."

Shui Xingyun's voice was hoarse: "How do you say this? When you were three children, none of me hurt less, Song Mingjue, do you have a conscience when you said that?"

Song Mingjue suddenly didn't want to quarrel with Shui Xingyun: "Just treat me as if I have no conscience. I need to sleep now. Mom, don't bother me anymore. My head hurts..."

He stretched out his hand to push Shui Xingyun away and walked to his room.

Shui Xingyun hurried to catch up: "Ming Jue, Ming Jue... Mom knows you shouldn't yell at you, shouldn't scold you, but I am really anxious. The only thing I can count on for the Song family is you. If you are both No matter, who else can I count on... Ming Jue, you don't want to fall in love with that girl anymore, go and think of a way..."


It was the loud noise of closing the door that responded to the water.

Song Mingjue didn't want to pay any attention to this selfish old lady, if it were not for his own mother, he would really...

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