You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1389: Happy duck

Since Zhou Ping took over those babies, Qin Se felt that he walked differently, his chin was lifted, and his aura was different.

For two consecutive days, dreaming in the middle of the night, I woke up with joy.

However, after being awakened for two consecutive nights, and waking up more than once a night, Gu Jingyuan was a little nervous.

He was wondering, what is going on, what can make her so happy?

Gu Jingyuan asked twice before, but Qin Se didn't tell him, saying it was a secret.

After asking twice, Qin Se couldn't help but tell Gu Jingyuan, and asked him to bring his treasure chest.

After opening it, Gu Jingyuan took a look at the contents and understood why Qin Se was so happy and dare to make a fortune.

Gu Jingyuan casually picked up a jade pendant with good carving skills. He knew more about the goods than Qin Se, not to mention what age the thing was made, whether it was an old object, just the texture was carved by modern people. Worth a lot of money.

What's more, this thing, it seems, has been around for quite a few years, and the carving craftsmanship is extremely special. Few craftsmen now have such skills, and the carvings are very spiritual. The Buddha seems to be alive. When looking at her expression, people seem to be able to follow a smile, a rare thing.

Gu Jingyuan took a look at things, and came to a conclusion-the mother-in-law's family background is really thick!

Just take these things out and put them in the auction house, and they just turned it over.

Gu Jingyuan put down the jade pendant, picked up a ring casually, and said with a smile: "This is your two days, why are you so happy?"

Qin Se nodded: "Of course, these treasures, don't you think they are worthless? Are they not treasures?"

"Of course it's baby."

Qin Se raised his hand and gently stroked the glittering babies: "Then I must be happy. When I think of these cute little things, I get excited and happy..."

Gu Jingyuan whispered: "I want to know, this can make you so happy, I've got it for you long ago..."

"what did you say?"

Gu Jingyuan hurriedly said with a serious face: "It's nothing, I said, these things are very valuable, I will buy you a safe tomorrow, you have to put it away."

Qin Se nodded: "Okay, I wanted to tell you that you bought it for me."

Gu Jingyuan asked her: "Mom, why do you suddenly give you so many things?"

Qin Se lifted his chin and said proudly: "Mom said, these are my dowry."

"You look good, I brought so many babies to marry you, my body is very hard..."

Gu Jingyuan smiled and nodded: "Yes, yes, my wife is very worthy and has a very hard waist... Okay, I can sleep. If you are so excited again, no one will be able to sleep tonight, calm down..."

Gu Jingyuan covered the box and put it back where Qin Se originally put it.

The two lay down, Gu Jingyuan put Qin Se in his arms and was about to go to bed.

But Qin Se didn't catch anyone, and poked his arm: "Mom, I gave me everything, not for Xiaozheng. I will wait for Xiaozheng to get married... Uh, if he can find a girl willing to marry him. , When he gets his wedding, we have to give him more money to compensate him, you have no objection..."

Gu Jingyuan nodded: "Don't worry, this is for sure, I'm just such a brother-in-law, who won't give him..."

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