You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1390: who are you

Qin Se sighed: "Hey, it's mainly because I am worried. Just our silly boy, can I find a girlfriend..."

Gu Jingyuan thinks about Qin Zheng: "It should's not that difficult, right? Qin Zheng's looks, now many young girls like..."

Qin Se shook his head: "The key is not the looks, but the brain...I am deeply worried!"

If Qin Se's worries were heard by Qin Zheng, he would definitely not be convinced.

Because he was confessed.

Just tonight, after finishing the acting class, Qin Zheng was ready to go back to Xu Mu and ask him to make a supper for himself.

But... he was stopped before he left the practice room.

The one who stopped Qin Zheng was the beautiful actress who gave him loose noodles last time.

Zhuang Shuo looked at the situation and winked at Qin Zheng: "Um...Qin Zheng, I'll go first, you...cough cough..."

Qin Zheng: "No, wait for me... What are you in a hurry? She finished her two sentences..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhuang Shuo ran away.

Qin Zheng was in a hurry. He wanted to go back. Tonight, there was a ball game. He asked Xu Mu to fried chicken wings for him. He went back to prepare to eat and watch the ball game. The ball game would start in ten minutes.

This game is two teams he likes very much. Qin Zheng and Chen Mo are better off. The two want a video, and he wants to broadcast it to Chen Mo.

Qin Zheng saw the girl in front of him blushing and didn't say a word. He hurriedly said, "Um...this sister, I still have something urgent, so I will leave first..."

The beautiful actress stopped him: "Eh, Qin Zheng, wait, I... I have a few words to tell you!"

Qin Zheng was anxious: "Then what do you mean?"

He doesn't understand. Why is this woman so inked? If you have something to say, why don't you stand there without saying anything?

The beautiful actress blushed and said, "I...I'm two years older than you, and I don't know how to take care of people, nor do I know how to cook, but...I will learn more slowly...I... "

"Huh?" Qin Zheng was surprised, what does this have to do with him?

Then the actress said again: "The first time I saw you, I felt that you are different from other people. You are very special. When you look at me, your eyes are very clean, not at all like..."


In fact, Qin Zheng wanted to ask, have I seen you before?

Moreover, she is not delicious, how hot can you look at her?

The beautiful actress raised her head and looked at Qin Zheng expectantly: "So, you...can you promise me?"

Qin Zheng was confused: "What did I promise you, sister, you didn't say anything, what did you ask me to promise you? Which one of you eldest sister?"

The look of expectation on the pretty actress's face was instantly shattered...

Just as the ice cube fell to the ground with a clang, it broke into slag.

Qin Zheng unexpectedly, don't remember him? Don't even remember her?

how can that be?

She... Not to mention how long they have been training together, how long did she give him dumplings last time?

At that time, she felt that Qin Zheng must have pretended to be.

"Qin Zheng, you...Don't be kidding, don't you know me? Me..."

Qin Zheng looked embarrassed: "Sister...sorry, who are you?"

Qin Zheng really wasn't joking with her, nor was he pretending, he really didn't remember who this girl was...


Chapter 10, I can’t feel my hands. Tomorrow... I’m going to be quiet. I don’t have a rough door for three days. I’m going shopping...

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