You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1393: Don't hurt me

Qin Zheng suddenly remembered the dog last time, licked the lunch box, screamed, turned his head and ran away.

Then, he took a firm step back.

What can be done if it looks good, it may not be delicious!

The ghost knows what it's like in it, will it eat people to death?

Qin Zheng said solemnly: "Sister...Don't be like this. I am a principled person, a very kind person, good me...My parents are still waiting for me, so I will leave first."

Qin Zheng wanted to talk about my dad, but why did he feel awkward?

However, these are not important, it is just an excuse to get rid of entanglement.

Qin Zheng intends to run away, but the beautiful actress refuses. This is a rare and precious opportunity. The props are ready and the timing is very good. How can he give up?

According to her previous assumption, she was ready to home run today, and she wanted to take Qin Zheng in one fell swoop.

A little boy should be a good hookup!

She winks, shows her shoulders, and says a few flirting words, and she's almost done.

The little boy, just touched, the woman's body, just when she is curious, excited, and excited, she must be inseparable from her!


She still underestimated Qin Zheng, this kid didn't give her a chance to wink at all.

There were tears on the cheeks of the beautiful actress, "Qin Zheng, I'm like this, don't you... don't you give me a definite answer... Am I so disgusting to you?"

Qin Zheng was already impatient: "Sister, what answer do you want me to give you? I'm really anxious, I have something to do."

At this point, the fried chicken will be cold if you don't go back, the cold fried chicken is not delicious.

Moreover, the ball game has started, it has started...

Chen Mo must be very anxious now!

The beautiful actress's face was very red. She gritted her teeth and said: "Qin Zheng, I like you, I really like you... When you first came, I saw you and felt that you are my ideal Type, I think you are different from others, so... Can you agree to associate with me? I promise that I will learn to cook well in the future. I will... take good care of you, really... !"

Qin Zheng, who was confessed for the first time, wanted to cry incomparably.

He didn't want to deal with this eldest sister. In his whole life, he would not be married or in love, and would never be with someone who cooks super unpleasantly.

His target may not be able to cook, so there is no need to cook, but... since he wants to cook, he must make delicious.

Qin Zheng had an idea, and immediately said: "But, I'm underage, my mother said, I can't fall in love before I'm 18 years old."

Qin Zheng gave himself a thumbs up, and felt that he was great.

It's really great to be able to come up with such a great idea.

The actress hurriedly said: "It's okay, we don't need to tell the aunt, we can secretly, underground love, I... I don't care about the status, as long as I can be with you, I don't care about anything.

The actress looked at Qin Zheng sincerely, she reached out to grab Qin Zheng's hand.

She was very anxious now, and she couldn't get Qin Zheng for a long time. She had doubts about her charm.

However, Qin Zheng's mouth twitched, and his face was righteous and awe-inspiring: "I don't want it, my mother said, if I dare to be greedy before the age of 18, I will break my leg, sister, don't hurt me!"


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