You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1394: ungrateful


The beautiful actress suddenly felt speechless, not knowing what to say.

Qin Zheng actually said, let her not harm him?

Fuck you XX, she is giving him Yan Fu for him to enjoy, he even said not to harm him.

He didn't make any jokes like this.

The beautiful actress really wants to knock Qin Zheng's head off to see what he is thinking and why he has such absurd ideas.

No matter how good-tempered people are, they should have a temper at this time. The beautiful actress said angrily: "Qin Zheng..."

Qin Zheng suddenly looked behind the beautiful actress and said in surprise: "Eh, Dad, why are you here?"

The beautiful actress was stunned, "Dad"... Isn't that...

She quickly turned around.

The moment she turned around, Qin Zheng bounced out, and at the fastest speed in her life, he ran with his legs...

When the beautiful actress saw that there was no one behind her, she couldn't stop Qin Zheng from running away.

She jumped angrily: "Qin stop me..."

However, Qin Zheng has already run far!

The beautiful actress shouted: "Qin Zheng, wait for me, I won't give up like this!"

However, Qin Zheng seemed to be unable to hear them anymore. He had already ran a long way. At his speed just now, he could definitely participate in international track and field competitions.

Human potential is limitless, and it can only be stimulated at a critical moment.

That's how Qin Zheng was stimulated, pedaling...steadily underfoot, thinking about nothing, just a thought, I want to run for his life.

The beautiful actress stayed alone in the practice room gritted her teeth. She looked at the lunch box in her hand, and she wanted to throw it away but was reluctant. This time was different from the last time. This time she took a lot of thoughts on the meat.

He waited for Qin Zheng, a peculiar stinky boy, and sooner or later, she would surrender him.

This man must be taken away.

She has never suffered such humiliation in her life...

The beautiful actress touches her face, it is obviously very beautiful, and her facial features and face have been fine-tuned to be more refined!

She is such a good-looking woman, there will be men who will be blinded?

She doesn't believe in this evil, she can succeed in other men, and naturally it will succeed in Qin Zheng.

Try a few more times, it will definitely work.

The beautiful actress turned around to walk, went out, and had to go down the stairs. Suddenly, a person rushed out from the side. She was so scared that she was about to scream, and the person covered her mouth.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she knew who came.

"It's you who scared me to death."

The man is her secret friend.

The man cursed in a low voice: "Bitch, you just can't hold back like this? So I want to seduce Qin Zheng, don't look at him, can he satisfy you with a stinky boy who doesn't have full hair?"

The beautiful actress was taken aback. Could it be that she and Qin Zheng were only seen by the other party before they were together?

She panicked, and she agreed to ask Qin Zheng to deliver the meal at the time. Some "condiments" were put in the meal. Qin Zheng did not eat dumplings for the first time.

The beautiful actress quickly calmed down, her face gloomy, and pulled the man's hand off.

Sneered: "Bitch? You are embarrassed to scold me. It's not you who let me start with him? Didn't you tell me to give him another meal? I gave it as you said. Do you blame me? Do you still have a conscience? You didn't let me do everything I was sitting on, you still have the face to scold me, are you a man? You have the ability to go by yourself, why are you looking for me?"

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