You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1395: No medicine

The man said: "I mean I asked you to give him food, but how do you pick this time, Xu Mu is here, can we start Qin Zheng at this time? If Xu Mu catches you, I, do you want to Life?"

When Xu Mu was there, they were not asking for trouble when they acted on Qin Zheng.

Xu Mu is not as simple and easy to deal with as Qin Zheng.

What's more, everyone in the crew can see how good he is to Qin Zheng. He is a big actor who ran over to cook for Qin Zheng.

When he first brought food to Qin Zheng, everyone was shocked.

This is more spoiled than my father!

None of their own fathers spoiled them so much.

Who would have thought that Emperor Xu, who is usually only seen in movies, would cook for his son, go out to buy vegetables every day, and they can see every day that Xu Mu came back from the market with a basket of chicken, duck and fish.

To say that Qin Zheng is envious, jealous, and hateful, that's all light.

The beautiful actress sneered: "Then you didn't tell me? I was thinking about helping you fulfill your wish and thinking about you wholeheartedly, but you, it's okay for you, and you blame me, okay, then Don’t look for me next time! Do you think I’m willing to seduce a minor? I’m also a goddess, but I’m always humiliated like this every time. I’m so blinded. I will be with you..."

She said and cried, as if she said it was true.

In fact, she was very guilty at the moment, because she did not hook up Qin Zheng for this man.

She is for herself, she wants to really fall in love with Qin Zheng, she wants to hug Xu Mu's thigh.

There is no medicine in this braised pork for Qin Zheng.

At this moment, she was very lucky, Qin Zheng ignored her, otherwise, she would be unlucky.

Man, hug her quickly: "Don't don't, I'm wrong, can't I be wrong when I'm wrong? I shouldn't doubt you, shouldn't scold you, but how nice I am to you, don't you know?"

The beautiful actress turned her head away from him: "But you doubt still scold me."

The man’s explanation: “No, I’m not scolding you, I’m just a little confused... I’m also worried about you, I’m afraid that Qin Qinzheng really eats the meat, and something will happen, and we will both be affected. It’s not easy to get into this crew, and I want to be more cautious.”

"Huh..." The actress sneered in her heart. She really regretted that she was hurt by following this man. She felt that she was really blind.

What does your mind think?

Looking now, the truth slapped myself.

But now it is impossible to break up.

If you just say break up, he won't make her feel better.

The actress felt troubled, and at that time could not think of a good solution.

The man suddenly asked: "In this flesh, are you poisoned?"

The actress felt a little bit in her heart. She wasn't a vegetarian. If this man knew that she didn't put medicine in the flesh, she would be unlucky.

She directly stuffed the braised pork into the man's hand: "Is there any medicine? You will know if you taste it?"

There was a provocative smile on her face, but her heart trembled nervously.

The actor looked at her and smiled suddenly: "Baby, of course I believe you, but recently, I still don't do anything to Qin Zheng. You have seen how much Xu Mu protects the calf, don't be caught by him. "


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