You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1409: Like male

Song Mingjue asked: "What rumors?"

Mr. Wei pondered for a few seconds before saying: "Forget it, it's not credible, maybe it's just some superstition."

Song Mingjue could see that Mr. Wei didn't seem too sure.

He whispered: "Superstition..."

Song Mingjue suddenly remembered that the last time he went to Gu's house, what Gu Jingyuan's mother-in-law said...very accurate and sharp.

Could it be that she can really tell the prophet?

Song Mingjue remembered what his mother said again, Xuanmen...

Can't help but feel a bit cold in the back spine, who is this Gu family?

When the two of them said this, they did not continue the topic of Gujia.

After eating, Mr. Wei was not in high spirits, so he separated from Song Mingjue.

Song Mingjue drove back to the hotel alone.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, he was blocked by Jin Yumeng.

Since Song Mingjue and Mr. Wei met, they haven't talked to Jin Yumeng for a few days, didn't meet her, she called, Song Mingjue didn't answer, and WeChat didn't reply, which made her anxious to death.

So he came directly to the hotel to block people.

Seeing Song Mingjue, Jin Yumeng rushed over, but he avoided it.

Jin Yumeng bit her lip, not reconciled, threw again, and was still avoided.

After trying several times without success, she was extremely uncomfortable: "Song Mingjue, why are you doing this, you haven't seen me these days and won't answer my phone, you... don't you want to think about how sad I am?"

Song Mingjue frowned when she saw Jin Yumeng's eyes flushed and she was about to cry, "What are you looking for?"

Jin Yumeng sniffed: "I miss you, I like you, I want to see you, Ming Jue, after you met Mr. Wei, you ignore me."

Now many people are laughing at Jin Yumeng, saying that she is a stupid fork. They sent Mr. Wei this golden Buddha in front of Song Mingjue, and then he was kicked away.

But Jin Yumeng didn't believe it.

The more Song Mingjue ignored her, the more she missed him. She didn't want to be bothered by other men chasing her.

All thoughts were put on Song Mingjue's body.

Song Mingjue said lightly: "Mr. Wei and I are discussing work and we are very busy."

He is really busy these days, he is busy learning from Mr. Wei, he is trying to invest, where does he have time to deal with Jin Yumeng.

Taking advantage of Song Mingjue's carelessness, Jin Yumeng rushed over and finally hugged his arm.

Song Mingjue didn't even break free.

Jin Yumeng said angrily: "Huh, why are you busy? Don't think I don't know. You follow him every day, riding and fishing all day long. You... tell the truth, you... do you like him, do you... Do you like men?"

Some of her friends, friends and foxes, were chasing her there, saying that Song Mingjue ignored her such a lively beauty, but had a fierce fight with Mr. Wei, and 80% liked men.

Jin Yumeng was also worried.

The more she thought about it, the more upset she became. These days, beautiful women are sometimes not popular.

Song Mingjue's face became cold by the way and became extremely ugly: "What are you talking nonsense?"

He pushed Jin Yumeng away forcefully, before he didn't try to break free, but...Forget it, he didn't want to say anymore.

Jin Yumeng saw that Song Mingjue was really angry and hurriedly said: "It's not me talking nonsense, it's... others said it, and they all said that you like Mr. Wei and don't like me... I was a little worried, so...

Song Mingjue said coldly: "I have no problem with my sexuality. It doesn't matter whether I have Mr. Wei or whether I like you or not."

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