You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1410: stupid

Song Mingjue was telling the truth. This was what he said in his heart. In his heart, he would never like a woman like Jin Yumeng in his life.

If it wasn't for him to use Jin Yumeng, if it wasn't for the current crisis in the Song family, he wouldn't even look at such a woman.

Jin Yumeng clung to him, saying that he liked him and wanted to be with him Song Mingjue really felt ashamed.

He feels like a little white face, what it feels like to sweep his face, he didn’t know before, but now he understands, especially when he went out with Jin Yumeng, the eyes of her friends looked at him with Contempt makes him even more annoying.

Their Song family is in the south, far better than the Jin family in Kyoto, of course, if the Song family does not fall.

But no matter what, he is also a prince from a wealthy family. Those who play with Jin Yumeng are mostly nouveau riche. They don’t have any background in the family. Suddenly he has money, so he’s doing something like this. Song Mingjue didn't look good.

In his eyes, those people are ignorant and stupid...

Jin Yumeng was stunned, she muttered: "You..."

Her lips trembled, her eyes reddened quickly, and her tears rolled in her, " are the truth..."

Seeing Jin Yumeng's sad look, Song Mingjue was in a trance, but he quickly ignored this strangeness in her heart.

Song Mingyue said indifferently: "I have always been telling the truth, but you don’t want to listen to it or believe it. Since the first day you met me, I have never told you that I like you. I have always been I'm telling you that we are not suitable, I don't like you...I have told you many times in this case, and I haven't even given you any suggestive words?"

Jin Yumeng's tears fell, and she stretched out her hand to catch Song Mingjue, but he avoided him.

She cried: "But... I, I said, I can change... I really like you, I like you, I like..."

Jin Yumeng felt that after meeting Song Mingjue, she really met true love. It was completely incomparable to any man before him, even Gu Zhixin could not.

She felt that this was her first love. She had tasted what it was like for the first time, and what it was like to really like someone.

Although, she and Song Mingjue didn't even have a serious hug, let alone kiss, let alone have a relationship.

However, such a simple relationship that is so simple to hold hands, but Jin Yumeng's heart, tasted the taste that he has never had before.

She began to devote herself to this relationship. She hoped to change herself and make Song Mingjue fall in love with her.

Hopefully, Song Mingjue can ignore her previous experience...

However, it seems impossible.

Song Mingjue looked at Jin Yumeng and frowned, "Should? What should you do? What has happened, how do you want to change, and how can you change it? You can make all the men you used to disappear? Our Song family is not an outbreak. Hu, it’s not a shameless family, our family doesn’t want a young lady like you."

What Song Mingjue said was pretty be euphemistic, she didn't say directly, Jin Yumeng is a woman with a chaotic private life and countless boyfriends.

He admits that he has some feudal traditions in his thinking, but he thinks that he is clean and self-conscious, and his future girlfriend or wife should be the same as him.

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