You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1413: Give you up

Jin Yumeng felt that she had never been so sad in her life, as if she was about to die.

After speaking those words, she rested for a while to have the strength to say the next words.

She said: "Song Mingjue, I like you, I like it very much, no, I love you, those boyfriends of mine before, and... friends of pao, I also like it, but just like it, it may be looks, it may be The body may also be just because... they are alive, but they really like you, like it from the heart..."

Jin Yumeng paused, and smiled bitterly: "Look at me and say what to do. Maybe in your opinion, my likes will make you shame... I am not proud of what I have done before, I just regret it. I should have met you sooner, and I will not apologize to you for what I did before, because from the beginning to the end I didn’t think I was sorry for you.

Jin Yumeng was very satisfied. Her mind was open. She always felt that men and women were the same. Rich men could spend time and wine, and she could too, but... She did not know much about self-love before.

If time can go back, Jin Yumeng will be more self-controlled and will not indulge herself too much.

The world always demands so much of women!

Jin Yumeng lowered her head and said: "You dislike me, I can understand, but...I am still very sad, just now... when you said that, my sad heart seemed to die..."

Jin Yumeng couldn't describe how sad and sad she was...

She thought, Song Mingjue might not want to know either.

Song Mingjue's hand, which had been stuck in her pocket, trembled slightly, but still did not speak.

He had seen Jin Yumeng look unrestrained or even slutty, but he had never seen her sad and lonely at this moment. He wondered whether to... just coax her a little.

However, Jin Yumeng did not give him another chance.

She raised her head, the haze on her face seemed to have disappeared, and her eyes were soaked with tears, and they appeared much brighter.

She said: "You are excellent, you will not lack a woman to like you in the future, but... if you miss me, I can assure you that you will never meet a woman who loves you like me again."

Song Mingjue's heart trembled slightly this time...

Jin Yumeng suddenly smiled: "Don't worry, I won't pester you in the future. Although I still like you, but...I, I need to be more or less a face, and...I don't lack a man..."

She took a deep breath: "Goodbye, I'm leaving."

Jin Yumeng waved and turned to leave.

Song Mingjue was a little stunned, she...

Why did she just leave like this?

She even said just now that she won't pester him again?

This... doesn't seem right?

Song Mingjue suddenly felt a little flustered. He felt that he was flustered because Jin Yumeng suddenly left like this. In the future, he wanted to use her. Isn't there no chance?

He opened his mouth and called her name: "Jin Yumeng..."

Jin Yumeng stopped, and after two seconds she turned around and said to Song Mingjue: "Don't panic, what I said just now is true, I won't say it casually... and I believe that in the future, there will always be There is a man who doesn't care about my past or how many men I have had. He really likes me and wants to be with me. I also believe that I won't like you forever!"


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