You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1414: Flustered

After Jin Yumeng finished speaking, he turned and strode away.

Even with tears on her face and sadness and despair in her eyes, she walked very firmly, very decisively, without any hesitation.

She is a very free and easy person, she decided not to hesitate anymore.

If you give up, you won't look back, even if that person is a man she likes very much.

Like a person, it does not mean that you can give up your dignity;

Like someone, she can lower herself to the dust, but she doesn't want the other person to trample on her.

If you like someone, you can love him unreservedly, but you have to leave yourself a pride.

Jin Yumeng knew what she gave up, but when Song Mingjue said that, she also understood that this man, even if he would really be with her in the future, but in his heart, he would always be with her forever. Will not let go, he will always have a pimple in his heart.

She longed for this relationship, but she couldn't really have it.

She didn't want that one day, nothing left of this feeling was consumed.

Rather than being separated again after spending all their energy together, it is better to have never been together, at least regret is beautiful, regret is gray!

The change came so fast that Song Mingjue was caught off guard, and she didn't know how to face the situation before him.

This was completely different from what he thought in his heart, and it was completely contrary to his expectations.

Song Mingjue looked at Jin Yumeng's distant back, and the flustered feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

Just now, Jin Yumeng’s performance and words were completely different from those of Jin Yumeng he had known before. She was not just talking nonsense, she was very serious.

She said...I will never pester him again...

She said that in the future, she would not like him forever. She said that she would meet a man who really liked her and didn't care about her past...

she was……

How can she do this?

I kept saying that I liked him, but turned his head and left. This...Is this a liking?

Song Mingjue raised his hand and tugged, his tie was abnormally upset, this was not right, this was not right, it was completely different from what he had thought before.

Jin Yumeng didn't keep saying that he likes him, loves him, and can do anything for him. He just said a word casually, so he gave up?

Song Mingjue sneered annoyingly: "Speaking of which, she is still a watery woman. After all, she...she..."

Song Mingjue wanted to say that Jin Yumeng still loves him not deeply enough. If he really loves him so desperately, how could he give up like this?

She should continue to stalk, no matter what he says or do, she should stick behind him like a dogskin plaster, chasing him, and can't beat him.

Instead of this...

Song Mingjue pulled off his tie hard and took a hard look. In the direction where Jin Yumeng had disappeared, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

He believes that fishing for so long will not be ineffective, and he believes that Jin Yumeng will not really give up on him.

In two days, she will definitely come to him on the initiative and will...

After all, Song Mingjue was too conceited and looked down on others. What he saw was only the surface of Jin Yumeng. He never really understood her inner heart. He didn't know what she was thinking or understood that she loved him. However, she is also a very independent, self-conscious, and very proud person.

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