You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1432: I got married

However, Chen Fangwu felt that it was nothing. After all, such an excellent man is definitely not so easy to pursue. She is very lucky to meet him again. She still has a lot of time to work hard.

She won't give up like this!

The more Gu Jingyuan refused, the more she wanted to turn him into her own man.

Gu Jingyuan disliked this woman's harassment, "You will never have a chance in your life, Miss Chen loves herself, I do..."

Gu Jingyuan wanted to say that I had a family, but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Xiao Wu, do you know Mr. Gu?"

Chen Fangwu smiled immediately when he saw the visitor, "Yes, uncle, Mr. Gu is my senior. We are all students who graduated from Beijing Medical University. I was so happy to see the senior today. When I was in school, the senior I’ve always been my idol. I didn’t expect to see each other here after many years. I also want to thank my uncle. You came here on my behalf..."

The visitor is Chen Fangwu's uncle, the deputy mayor of the city.

He knew when he saw his niece that he liked Gu Jingyuan, and he liked it not lightly.

Chen Fangwu's parents were worried about her daughter's marriage, and they also asked Deputy Mayor Chen to ask him to help. See if there are any outstanding young people around to help introduce them. His own niece, Vice Mayor Chen is also concerned.

Bringing Chen Fangwu here today is naturally for this purpose.

He knows that Chen Fangwu has always been very picky. He has said many young people he thinks are good, but she refuses to take it. Now seeing Gu Jingyuan looks like this, it can be seen that he likes it very much.

Deputy Mayor Chen also knows Gu Jingyuan’s net worth. He thinks the niece chosen is quite good. Once they can marry the Chen family and Gu family, then his position will definitely move up, maybe he can go higher. .

Vice Mayor Chen is relatively confident in his niece, who looks good, has a very good education, and his family background is naturally good. He thinks he can be worthy of Gu Jingyuan.

However, he didn't know how bad Gu Jingyuan's attitude towards her was in the conversation between Gu Jingyuan and Chen Fangwu. ,

Vice Mayor Chen smiled at Gu Jingyuan and said: "I didn't expect that my niece and Mr. Gu had such a relationship. It seems that it is really fate. My niece, who just returned to China last year, has become them. The chief of the hospital, Mr. Gu, both of you are medical students and both are students of Beijing Medical University. There must be many topics to talk about, I..."

Gu Jingyuan slowly said: "It seems that Vice Mayor Chen's news is not well-informed."

He originally wanted to respect Vice Mayor Chen how much, and when he finished speaking, he would speak again, but... I couldn't listen anymore.

What's all this, why is he so sure that he thinks he will agree?

Haven't you seen him become impatient? Didn't you see that he was in a particularly grumpy mood?

Gu Jingyuan's words made Vice Mayor Chen stunned: "Huh?"

Gu Jingyuan threw a bomb: "I will get married next month."

Chen Fangwu exclaimed: "What?"

Her voice was so loud, everyone around looked over.

She opened her mouth wide in shock, and her eyes were about to fall out.

Get... get married... get married?

No, she must have heard it wrong, it must not be... How could a male **** get married? A male **** should be waiting for her to pursue it! He won't get married.

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