You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1433: Married man

Vice Mayor Chen regained his sense of shock: "Ah? I... Why didn't I..." Vice Mayor Chen wanted to say, why didn't I receive the invitation?

But he quickly realized what was going on, and quickly swallowed the last few words.

If I didn't receive the invitation, it was because people thought he was not familiar with him. To put it simply, he felt that he was not quite qualified.

This made Deputy Mayor Chen very unhappy. This Gu Jingyuan was too arrogant. Even if their Gu family could cover the sky with one hand in Kyoto, he was also the deputy mayor of the city anyway. How could he be treated this way?

Gu Jingyuan looked at Chen Fangwu: "Miss Chen, I will get married next month. I am a married man. Please take care of yourself and stay away from me. Don't let people misunderstand me. My wife is small-minded and jealous. I hope you don't hurt me. ."

When he finally said this, Gu Jingyuan breathed a sigh of relief. This Chen family was too annoying, and he always interrupted others without letting him finish.

Gu Jingyuan felt that after he got married, he would wear a wedding ring to go out every day, proclaiming that he was a married man.

Otherwise, I really will be annoying to death.

When Chen Fangwu heard Gu Jingyuan's words, she shook her head repeatedly: ", no, you must be lying to me, just want me to get out of trouble and block me back? Or else? , Why, did you come here for the reception without taking her?"

Chen Fangwu refused to believe that she did not believe that her luck would be so bad.

Chasing Gu Jingyuan to a foreign country, did not see him, and finally saw him a year after returning to China, thinking that he had a chance, but they were getting married?

She can't be so sad, can she?

She didn't believe that Gu Jingyuan, the moonlight flower of Gaoling, would be attacked by any woman at will. She didn't believe that there would be a woman so awesome.

Gu Jingyuan had always maintained a polite and indifferent appearance before, but when he heard Chen Fangwu's words, he really didn't want to pretend, and said coldly and disdainfully: "Like you? You really have that qualification, but I can. To answer your question, my wife is pregnant and comes to this kind of boring reception. How can I let her come and get involved."

Chen Fangwu trembled, her eyes flushed and looked at Gu Jingyuan, but she wanted to speak but couldn't speak.

"Senior, I... I like you for many years, how can you say that... How can I trample on my feelings for you like this?"

Gu Jingyuan...

At this moment, Gu Jingyuan was in a **** mood. He wanted to curse and swear.

But he felt that for such a woman, swearing was too much to give her face, no, he could not give her face.

However, Gu Jingyuan really felt disgusting, and trampled on her feelings, feelings for your sister... I don't even know who you are?

One inexplicably popped out today, what kind of school girl, something is wrong, is there a problem with your brain?

Gu Jingyuan had a serious expression and a serious tone, and said: "When I was a doctor, my main focus was on the mind and brain. Although I am no longer a doctor, I think my original ability is still there. I think Miss Chen, you turn around. Please check with your neurology doctor in the hospital. If you have an illness, you can treat it early, maybe there is still a rescue."

Vice Mayor Chen has been in officialdom for so long, and he still doesn't understand this. This is obviously scolding his niece for something wrong with his brain and asking her to go to the doctor quickly.


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