You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1434: Let her go

Vice Mayor Chen's mouth has been twitching. He has been in officialdom for so long, and this is the first time he has encountered such a tough attitude in front of him.

Anyway, he has also arrived at this position, in front of his face, how can he harm his niece in this way, and can't save him some face?

Moreover, Vice Mayor Chen felt that this Gu Jingyuan was too ignorant to praise, right?

Although their Gu family is indeed very powerful and wealthy to the big consortium of the enemy country, if they marry their Chen family, he will definitely take care of their Gu family in the future, and the Gu family will be even more powerful in the future. Why is this Gu Jingyuan unscrupulous?

Deputy Mayor Chen was in a very bad mood at the moment, and wanted to scold Gu Jingyuan for not being praised, but he didn't have the guts.

Even their mayor was so polite to Gu Jingyuan. Gu created so many jobs for the city, contributed so much tax every year, and there seemed to be people at the top.

Vice Mayor Chen looked ugly, but he could only swallow it first.

Chen Fangwu heard it too, and scolded her, or scolded her for mental illness.

She is sad, her heart is broken, she has liked it for so many years, and she has been thinking about it, and finally met to confess it, but the male **** said she had a brain disease?

Chen Fangwu was aggrieved and sad, tears kept flowing.

Vice Mayor Chen also felt sorry for his niece and family. There is no reason not to turn to him. He cleared his throat to show his official power and said: "Ah, Mr. Gu's words... Mr. Gu, your identity, we Fangwu are after all a girl with strong self-esteem and thin-skinned face. She has been spoiled since she was a child. It would be too sad for her to say that."

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "This... is over? Then, what if I say to get out?"

He looked at Chen Fengwu’s cheeky look, it really didn’t look like a fragile look.

Chen Fangwu...

Deputy Mayor Chen...

Chen Fangwu cried and said, " can't do this, how can you say that I am, I love you, is this wrong? Anyone has the right to pursue their love, and if I can, I want to control my heart. Don't think about you, don't love you, but...I can't help it, I..."

Gu Jingyuan said indifferently: "Ms. Chen has watched too much idol drama, right? You really think you are a heroine with an ill-conceived attitude? Your right to pursue love is your right, but can you not interfere with me, I am going to get married soon Man, I have a wife who has children soon, please stay away from me. You don't care about your face, but I still have to go home."

Chen Fangwu shook his head and burst into tears: ", senior, can you tell me what's wrong with me, I've been following your footsteps all the time, I hope to be a woman worthy of you... "

Gu Jingyuan interrupted her: "Don't hope, give up, you won't be in your life."

Gu Jingyuan glanced at his watch, and said, "I want to go home and accompany my wife to chase the drama. Let me leave first."

Gu Jingyuan wants to leave, he doesn't want to entangle this person with a sick brain.

However, Chen Fangwu refused. Her obsession was too deep. How many years has it been since university?

Chen Fangwu stretched out her hand to stop Gu Jingyuan, "Wait... Senior, can you tell me why you chose her, what is good about her, you have never known me, why are you rejecting me like this, you give me a chance? ?"


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