You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1446: Very vicious

Song Mingjue couldn't help but want to laugh. For so many years, his mother hadn't had the slightest torture and suffering in her heart. For her, before the Song family had an accident, she wished to know that she had died. That was her stain, she I don't want to look at it.

Now that something happened to the Song family, she had no choice but to think of the stain, so she found it.

The Gu family ignored them and didn't clean up them. Song Mingjue really felt that it was actually pretty good. If the Gu family brothers knew that his mother had another plan besides borrowing money, he wouldn't hesitate to kill his mother.

Although it was his own mother, Song Mingjue had to say that she was really abominable!

Stupid and vicious, very annoying.

Song Mingjue was very grateful: "Thank you so much, Brother Wei. My mother and I came to Kyoto. For me, the greatest fortune is to meet you. I am not flattering and flattering you, but true. Yes, the help you gave me and the things you taught me are really more than what I learned in school...For me, you are my teacher."

Mr. Wei said: "I also think that you are a person who can associate. What I value is your conduct. You are good. You are also from a proud family, but you don’t have the vices of those rich children. Work hard to listen and learn. This is very good and very rare. You have to remember that if you want to be a successful person, it is not because you have a good background, so you don't have to be afraid of what will happen in the future. It is the right way to work hard."

At this moment Song Mingjue felt that what Mr. Wei said was indeed right. Although a person’s success accounted for a large part of his birth, it was not entirely true. It was like his father’s birth was not bad. The family property accumulated by several generations has given Huo Huo Guang.

He is also from a good background, but if his family collapses, what will happen to him before the meeting? Who knows, he can only rely on himself.

Song Mingjue said seriously: "After hearing what you said, the sadness in my heart disappeared. Thank you. I will remember everything you said. Since I was a child, I have known what kind of person I want to be. I won’t be like those people, I’m not with them.”

"Well, it's good for you to think like this. Tomorrow you have time to come to the racecourse... I will introduce you to two financial experts."

Song Mingjue cheered up and said, "Okay, I will be there tomorrow, thank you."

"Okay, let's go back. You don't need to take Gu Jingyuan too seriously. If you are too arrogant, you will not end well."

Song Mingjue's thoughts moved, and Mr. Wei seemed to dislike Gu Jingyuan very much now.

He nodded: "Well, then I'll go back first... Goodbye Big Brother Wei, it's getting late, you rest early."

After hanging up the phone, Song Mingjue's thoughts turned. He still can't leave Kyoto so quickly. Once he returns to Linzhou, his father will throw all the mess to him and hide himself.

Song Mingjue thought about going back to help his father solve the problems of the Song family, but now he feels that he has to be selfish once and live for himself.

The bankruptcy of the Song family is already inevitable. If he goes back now, he will be responsible for everything and deal with the bankruptcy. This is an extremely tedious, laborious and very unsettled thing.

Moreover, if there is no money, no money, then why do you send money to employees?


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