You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1447: A bit messy

So, who caused this mess, who will clean it up, don't expect him to go back and wipe his butt.

Song Mingjue picked up the phone and wanted to make a call to Shui Xingyun. When he accidentally saw Jin Yumeng's number, he paused.

Since he decided to stay here temporarily, then... Is Jin Yumeng still unbreakable for the time being? I still have to drag her and catch her.

Maybe, there is still some place to use her. When transferring funds, if he wants to open a new account abroad, Jin Yumeng will definitely be able to help.

Song Mingjue told himself that he was doing this for his own future, and he still didn't have a good impression of that woman.

Thinking about it this way, Song Mingjue felt that there would be no burden to call Jin Yumeng.

But the moment he clicked the dial, his finger still hesitated... didn't get through, the mechanical female voice in the phone prompted that the number you dialed could not be connected temporarily.

Song Mingyue was stunned for a moment, could this not get through?

He tried two more times, and it is still: The number you dialed is temporarily unreachable.

Song Mingjue's heart trembled, awful, but luckily it was... he was blacked out?

Thinking about this, Song Mingjue felt particularly awkward, like Jin Yumeng. He always felt that she could only dare to...bring him down...she was really capable, she was the only one to shake her face. ...

Song Mingjue poked the dial a lot, and it was useless to dial more than ten.

He gritted his teeth and cursed.

I opened WeChat to send a WeChat message to Jin Yumeng, but suddenly I remembered that WeChat seemed to have been deleted by Jin Yumeng...

Song Mingjue's angry expression on his face disappeared a little bit, replaced by a blank, he...He felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't tell what was wrong, but he was just a little uncomfortable, a little flustered, a little confused...

He never believed that Jin Yumeng really didn’t look back to him. He always thought that she would come to him in a few days, but, no, she wiped him out of her world. .

But he still stupidly thought that others would not.

Song Mingyue smashed the steering wheel so badly, this bad feeling really made him more uncomfortable than being humiliated by Gu Jingyuan.

He drove back to the hotel, but didn't want to go back to the room. His mother Shui Xingyun was like a resentful spirit, and he felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

He thought that his mother wanted to save his daughter so much and wanted Gu's family to pay for it. Even if she was tossing around, she would have tossed up some waves, but no, she would stay in the hotel without going out. After he went back the next time, she would scold him with harsh words, saying that he was useless and incompetent, and called him a white-eyed wolf. The Song family raised him so much, but he did nothing but just enjoy himself.

At first, Song Mingjue didn't want to be familiar with her.

However, Shui Xingyun did that every day, so Song Mingjue was so upset that he didn't want to see Shui Xingyun at all.

Every time he went back to see her face, he felt that it was unsightly.

Song Mingjue sat in the car and didn't move. As the rain got bigger and bigger, his heart became more and more confused.

There was no heating in the car, and Song Mingjue was very cold, especially her hands, as if she almost didn't feel the cold.

He suddenly thought of Gu Jingyuan's home.

As a family of them, it seems...very harmonious and warm.

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