You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1448: Pet wife

Song Mingyu sneered, harmony and warmth?

He used to think that his family was like this before, but...until the crisis in the Song family broke out, until his parents smashed their faces and cursed each other hysterically at home, he knew that what he had seen was only the phantom they showed him. .

What kind of affection is just a performance that deceives people and also deceives oneself.

What kind of warmth is just a one-time hand warmer. After the expiration date, it cannot be used.

In fact, his father raised a lover, raised an illegitimate child, and went to gambling, but his mother was not very clean.

Their home was already torn apart.

Song Mingjue suddenly felt, what's the point of going on in a home like this?

It would be better if the Song family collapsed like this, smashing the last illusory shadow, let everyone come out of that shadow, and let that false home never be maintained.

Otherwise, after he went back, he felt sick when he looked at everyone as usual.

Without money, how should his father bet without such a huge foundation, how should he raise a woman...

Seeing his mother has no money, how arrogant, how arrogant, let's raise a little man?

Song Mingjue even thought viciously, if all rich people are like this, then he hopes that one day Gu Jingyuan will become like his father...

He wanted to know if Gu Jingyuan could really do it and be loyal to his wife forever.

He doesn't quite believe the word forever.

He doesn't believe it now, anyone.


On the way home, Gu Jingyuan was in a very irritable mood. He raised his sleeves and smelled himself. He always felt that he was stained with the smell of Chen Fangwu's body.

He said to the assistant and the driver: "You two will listen to me clearly. After returning, you are not allowed to tell anything about what happened tonight, you know? If you let the lady hear something, I will fire you."

The two nodded immediately: "Yes, President, you can rest assured, our mouths are very strict and we will never talk nonsense."

The assistant pleased Gu Jingyuan and said: "President, I think my wife must be very happy now. You are really the best man I have ever seen, and the best man for my wife."

In fact, this is not to please. The assistant really feels that Gu Jingyuan is the best man to his wife (girlfriend) among the men he knows.

For rich people like them, because they have money, there are more women and more temptations, and there are not many who can guarantee that they are not infected. Besides, it is still consistent, clean and self-conscious, and only loves oneself. A man with a wife, like Gu Jingyuan, is really a scarce animal!

At this point, the assistant admired Gu Jingyuan very much.

He felt that following such a boss would be practical and reliable.

Such a boss can treat his wife so well, which shows that he is a principled and bottom line person. Such a person is very good to be his employee.

The corner of Gu Jingyuan's lips curled up and said, "Hurry back, I probably haven't finished the election yet."

Driver: "Eh, good..."

At this time, the four women at home, Qin Se, Zhou Ping, Bai Lu, Zhen Baoer, and the four women were already happy to not even chase after the show.

Gu Jingyuan has already let people move over to the mall. The outside yard, all the way to the living room, is full of shoes, bags, cosmetics, jewelry, and some delicate accessories that women like.

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