You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1491: Battle scum

Qin Zheng said something like an automatic rifle, dad da da, blushing the whole group of them, did not dare to raise their heads, sorry to speak again...

Even Yu Chengjing dared not speak when he stood there.

Yu Chengjing felt that these people were also helping him to get ahead. He hesitated and said, "Qin Zheng, what you said is... and a little too..."

It's just that Qin Zheng is now a firecracker. Whoever dares to fight with him, he can beat the opponent back and forth.

Qin Zheng interrupted him: "Don't tell me anything. I'm too much. You should have one of you. Which one is not older than me. You don't have the ability to act well. Don't let others be better than you, right? I have a backstage at home, that’s my fault? I’m good at acting, that’s my fault? I should be a waste like you when I co-operate, and you will feel satisfied, right?"

There are always so many people in this world who can't see others as good, nor can they see others as good.

I just feel that if others are good.

That just doesn't work.

But if Qin Zheng is really waste like them, they will come over and step on Qin Zheng fiercely, and they will say, look, this is the one who came in through the back door. It is a waste, a rice bucket, and nothing. Yes, relying on the home, why have the face to be here with us?

In their view, even the same waste, the waste without a backstage is more noble than the waste with a backstage.

Qin Zheng was puzzled. He was also a human being. How did these three views stand up?

The acting teacher finally stood up and said: "Okay, stop arguing. Now we are going to class. If anyone is not upset and wants to quarrel, go out and quarrel by yourself. If you want to stay here, don’t have a word except lines. Say."

Everyone: "Yes..."

The teacher came out at this time to stop it, in fact, for their benefit.

Because they couldn't speak well, their combat effectiveness was too scumbag, and they were no better than Qin Zheng.

Therefore, they are actually quite happy in their hearts and can stop quickly...

The performance teacher said to Qin Zheng: "Qin Zheng, you and Zhuang Shuo, you two, each of you play two roles, I won't find other people to join you in a group, right?"

The performance teacher has given up the possibility of letting others go with Qin Zheng and Zhuang Shuo.

With the current situation, it will be very difficult to turn the enemy into a friend in the future even if you don't become a rival.

Qin Zheng shook his head: "No problem."

The teacher nodded, "Let's start acting."

After Qin Zheng and Zhuang Shuo assigned their roles, they quickly remembered the lines.

Neither of them took care of the people around them.

In the next performance, the two cooperated in a tacit understanding. In addition to the details, and experience, they also need to be tempered, and other aspects are fairly good.

The acting teacher gave them a lot of compliments, saying that the two cooperated very well and the degree of completion was very high, giving them 90 points.

The remaining ten is room for them to continue to improve.

This made the two of them very happy, and also made the others jealous.

Except for the performances of other people, which can be praised by the teacher, most of the others are not good. In the end, the performance teacher scolded them with a serious expression: "Did you take the class with your heart? It is also learning. The performance time is long, and Zhuang Shuo did not study with you as long as you did. Why did the two of them improve so quickly? There is no change from the time you first joined?"

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