You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1492: Your spicy chicken

The performance teacher was very angry: "Where did you put your minds on each one?"

The performance teacher has been teaching them for a long time, but apart from seeing Qin Zheng’s rocket-like progress and seeing Zhuang Shuo’s obvious progress, everyone else is really too ordinary. Even if they are improving, they are not significant. Such an actor makes him very sad.

As a teacher, the last thing he wants to see is that these people obviously seem to be working hard, but in fact they have no intentions. They are just perfunctory and deal with it on the surface, but they are not really doing it. Go hard.

Performing this course, apart from what the teacher teaches in the classroom, is actually more private speculation, or more time to learn, observe and experience.

However, among these people, it is estimated that only Qin Zheng and Zhuang Shuo have done it.

Others, the performance teacher sighed, really didn't want to say more.

Someone whispered: "Teacher, can we compare with others? The filming emperor Xu makes a small stove for others every day, and how can we compare with the performance skills given to him by the filming emperor Xu."

The teacher sternly reprimanded: "Enough, you have said this in front of Teacher Xu today. Teacher Xu’s answer is my answer. Even if you open a small stove, if there is a movie queen in your family Parents, naturally, will give you a small cook, but this is not an excuse for your lack of progress. You don’t look at how long you have been studying. In the final analysis, it’s because you didn’t work hard and didn’t care. That’s all for today. If you continue to do this next time, I will directly tell the director about your training effects. Also, I probably didn’t tell you that after the training period, the director will give you a final assessment to satisfy the director. The staying of this makes the director dissatisfied. You all have to get out. Don’t think that you are foolproof if you enter here. Nothing is absolute in this world..."

"Those who don't work hard will be eliminated sooner or later. This is the rule of survival in this world, and no one will be an exception... Don't try to get lucky."

As soon as he said this, the others looked at each other one after another, and everyone's face showed fear.

They didn't expect that the director would come to an assessment in the end.

This... why didn't you say it before?

They all thought that the casting was selected and the contract was signed and they would definitely be able to act. Therefore, some of the actors would inevitably not be distracted, and even sneak out at night to play in the club.

Although they seem to be serious in class, in fact, there are not many people who really work hard in private.

All young people love to play, who wants to be kept here all day.

Even if they are here, their nightlife is still quite rich.

Qin Zheng was not surprised, and Lao Xu told him that he would naturally continue to work hard.

Resolutely not to be driven away by the director, he still wants to be a Qin Zheng who wins glory for the whole family.

Qin Zheng sighed. Fortunately, he worked hard before, otherwise, the result would be really hard to say.

The teacher said coldly: "Don't think I'm joking. I never make a joke about this kind of thing. You are responsible for the consequences of your own demon. Don't think that everyone will pay for you. I’ll want a piece of **** that even speaks unsatisfactory lines!"


Okay, it's starting to explode...

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