You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1493: Really cheap

Those young actors all have a flustered expression on their faces, because they know how many kilograms they are.

They all understand that if the director really starts to do the final assessment seriously, their acting skills will never pass.

The performance teacher sternly said: "You should look down on some people in public. Don't think that you are the best in the world. You have the ability. You really want to compare the acting skills with Qin Zheng and see if he can do it. Hanging on you, you only see his backstage at home, but never look at how hard he works. If the actor's eyes only see the narrow side, it will never be possible to become a great actor, no matter how many years have passed, It's a foot-washer character in the play, no, maybe you won't even be able to get a cannon fodder role in the future."

Qin Zheng was very proud, that is, the teacher was right, he worked very hard.

He would read the script every night, and then figured out that he was in this regard, and of course it was also due to his talent.

After class in the evening, the teacher told everyone to leave.

When he came to drive, Yu Chengjing glanced at Qin Zheng, his eyes were very complicated and unwilling.

In fact, Qin Zheng can understand his feelings. After more than ten years of hard work, he is not as good as a kid who has worked hard for less than a month. This is a very serious blow to him, as if he persisted for many years. , Suddenly turned into a joke.

Many people may not be able to bear this kind of blow.

However, Qin Zheng would not sympathize with him because of this. There is nothing to sympathize with. If a man doesn’t even have such a chest, then you should stop acting. Not only don’t act, but everything is done, because You can't do anything well.

After seeing the gap and seeing the progress of others, you can be unwilling and jealous. However, these can't be your own obstacles. Instead, they should be your driving force for progress. These things should be used as a force to spur yourself. ,

If you use all your energy to be jealous of someone better than yourself, then...maybe this person won't have much success in this life.

Qin Zheng shrugged. Although he and Yu Chengjing hadn't said they were good friends before, their relationship was similar. Apart from Zhuang Shuo, Yu Chengjing was one of the few people who could talk to him without being provocative.

Qin Zheng said with emotion, this world is really fickle.

A few people surrounded Yu Chengjing and cuddled him away, and they walked far away. They said to him in one word and one word: "This Qin Zheng is too much. I really thought I was praised by the teacher and went to heaven. , Dare to talk to Senior Yu like that, too arrogant..."

"Cut, hold it, I think it's best to hold him cruelly, let him hold it high, and wait for him to fall to death at once, without seeing what he is, I only learned to act for a few days , I dared to pretend to be the boss in front of Senior Yu, I yeah... Our acting teacher, didn't that praise Xu Mu to court him? Have you seen his proud face? Do you really think how good your acting is? "

He said with a disgusting expression, and said: "Let me see, he can't even compare to a hair of Senior Yu, the teacher is really blind, when he says those things, he can really live his conscience? I see him It's just holding Xu Mu's feet, even when people are away, it's really cheap..."


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