You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1504: Live soon

Zhen Baoer rolled up her sleeves and was about to go for a big fight. Today, she thought, she had to clean up this shameless aunt.

Let her know that the man who wants to bully her Zhen Baoer is not so easy.

However, Zhen Baoer was still too young.

"I know that you are the person that Zhixin likes, and I also know that I was wrong back then, and now I look for him now, you will definitely feel that I am a brazen woman, think I have bad intentions, but please believe me , I really don’t have any other thoughts, I just think... I’m getting older and want to watch the children well... I..."

Zhen Baoer interrupted her with a cold face: "Oh, in this case, you can go, Gu Zhixin doesn't know how good it is now."

"I also understand that I should leave acquaintedly when I see that the new ones are good, but... I am a mother, I really want to be able to say a few words to my child, you... You probably don't know, I Already...the time is running out..." Shui Xingyun cried as she spoke.

Zhen Bao'er frowned, wondering, time is running out, so, is she true or false?

Is it really dying, or is it just using this as an excuse to meet Gu Zhixin to achieve his own goals?

From the heart, Zhen Baoer is more inclined to the latter. If she is about to die, why didn't Shui Xingyun say anything last time?

Zhen Baoer really didn't think that this aunt was a person who concealed it because she was afraid of her children being worried.

She even felt that this was Shui Xingyun. She went back and thought hard. The way she came up with after such a long time, maybe it was just to make her feel soft and let her help persuade Gu Zhixin. That's why, because they We all know what kind of person Gu Zhixin is.

Thinking about it this way, Zhen Baoer thought about it, the more she felt that what she was thinking was right. This old woman is very bad...

If time is short, she is still dissatisfied with the world looking for hospitals and doctors to help her life, how can she remember her son?

Zhen Baoer's face remained calm and said: "Really, that's really..."

She paused and said: "The retribution is coming, so don't think too much. It must be because you did too much bad things back then. Therefore, God can't stand it anymore, so I want to accept you. You, don't struggle. Go back and wait for death."

Shui Xingyun angrily wanted to kill Zhen Baoer, "You are so cruel, just want to see me die?"

Zhen Baoer pretended to be frightened by pretending to be locked up, "Oh, what are you talking about, auntie, what is it that I am cruel? Isn’t it too much? Then what can I say, is it possible to lie to you and say that you will live a long life? I’ve never been a person who can make this kind of joke, like your Song family if they can’t be cured. If you’re sick, it’s definitely not okay. I won’t say those deceptive things. I treat others with sincerity."

Shui Xingyun trembled, she was indeed not sick, but she wanted to use this as an excuse to make Zhen Bao'er feel soft. Her plan was right.

Shui Xingyun did not expect Zhen Baoer to be so difficult to deal with.

She has said this, Zhen Baoer is still not letting go. If this is a normal person, she will definitely feel compassionate when she hears her death soon...


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