You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1505: Not put on

Everyone thinks, "This person is dying, don't worry about that much, after all, they can't live for a few days." What a thought, this dead girl, she doesn't go the usual way!

Shui Xingyun almost didn't break her gong, she endured her own explosion.

She told herself in her heart: You can't be disrupted by this little bitch, you can't be confused by her, you have to follow your own rhythm, and you can't be influenced by her.

After Shui Xingyun's mood stabilized, she clutched her chest and said with a heartbroken face: "My child, you are a woman that Zhixin likes. Don't you want to do it for his sake? Have you ever thought about it, If, one day, he knew, his mother came all the way to find him, just wanting to see him at the last moment of life, but he didn't give me a chance. By then, how sorry and sad he should be How much self-blame? You only miss yourself. Have you ever thought about him? Then, what should you let him do? You can't be so selfish?"

Shui Xingyun asked aggressively, trying to use this method to break things. Zhen Baoer accepts her concept. He hopes to use Zhen Baoer's love for Gu Zhixin to help her achieve her goal!

Zhen Baoer looked at Shui Xingyun in surprise. She really wanted to say something about her logic, admiring her, she could still think of it, it was amazing.

Zhen Baoer, blinked, then... shook his head!

She said: "No, you are dead, how would Zhixin know? We are not stupid, we will run to tell him this, let alone... I don't think even if Zhixin really knows, we will think You are pitiful, will regret, will be sad, will blame yourself, you really don’t know him, he really won’t be like this, you are just a stranger to him, could it be that who would die because of a stranger? , And sad? At most it is to say, ah, things are impermanent and life is too fragile. We must live well, enjoy life well, and live up to this world."

Zhen Bao'er sighed in her heart. Fortunately, she is not the kind of little girl who is simple to cheat and will not be cheated casually. Fortunately, she has her own judgment.

Otherwise, maybe, Shui Xingyun was really deceived, this aunt, really extraordinary!

Zhen Baoer wants to give her a thumbs up!

How much does she understand Gu Zhixin? Shui Xingyun's actions will never be forgiven by Gu Zhixin. Moreover, this old woman is really full of calculations. Whether she is sick or not is not certain.

I just wanted to use her to help Gu Zhixin say a few good things.

Zhen Baoer rolled her eyes, she was definitely not that stupid.

However, Zhen Baoer's words made Shui Xingyun so angry that she shook her body and almost didn't fall down!

Shui Xingyun gritted his teeth and secretly scolded Zhen Baoer's ancestor for the eighteenth generation. This woman, ah, is really hateful, and she doesn't have a habit at all.

How good can this make her?

Since she likes Gu Zhixin so much, Zhen Baoer shouldn't have any scruples at all. How could she dare to say that?

Shui Xingyun said angrily: "I didn't expect that Zhixin would fall in love with a selfish and vicious woman like you... You didn't think about him at all, you never thought about how he is to his mother. What kind of feelings do you know that he may actually be eager for maternal love? Don’t use your selfishness to guess his thoughts, you..."


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