You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1506: Knelt down

Zhen Baoer said: "Oh, aunty, don't say that. I am in front of you. My selfishness is really insignificant. Don't wear this hat for me. I really can't afford it!"

Zhen Bao'er glanced at Shui Xingyun contemptuously: "These days, there are really all the best products, and there is still a face to say that you are a mother, I yeah, what are you talking about in front of me, what are you yelling, really I thought you were getting older, so I wouldn’t dare to slap your big mouth. I also used my selfishness to guess Gu Zhixin’s ideas. It’s not disgusting enough. Your mother’s love is so overflowing. What are you doing with me? Ah, tell him face to face, and warm him with your shining maternal love. I see if you have the courage."

Zhen Baoer spurned: "I'm really a bully when I'm a real mother. I ran to me and started pointing fingers. If you dare to yell at me, I'll smoke you now..."

Shui Xingyun was swayed by Zhen Baoer's scolding body, she was used to domineering, and she was not so comfortable in playing the role that needs to bend down and bow her head to please others.

If you don't pay attention and don't control your temper, your original nature will be exposed.

Shui Xingyun trembled, but facing Zhen Baoer, she used all the hard and soft, and she was useless at all.

Zhen Baoer shook things on her shoulders: "I warn you, if you dare to stop me, I will call the police immediately, saying that you are a personal trafficker, you see that I look good, I am alone, and you want to traffic me..."

After Zhen Baoer finished speaking, she lifted her chin and left.

She thought, this time is always okay, if Shui Xingyun dared to come over again, it would be really shameless.

However, she still underestimated Shui Xingyun.

After not taking a few steps, she suddenly heard someone chasing her behind her. Before she could turn her head, she was "overtaking" from the left by a dark figure, and then blocked her way.

Shui Xingyun once rushed to Zhen Bao'er, and thundered and thundered to Zhen Bao'er to kneel down.

This kneeling was real, Zhen Baoer felt pain when she heard that bang.

The kneecap slammed hard against the ground.

The appearance of this scene was really too abrupt, and Zhen Bao'er did not expect that Shui Xingyun would be shameless to this point. She was stunned when she used this trick.

Then, Shui Xingyun knelt down in front of Zhen Bao'er in the public, and said with tears: "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, I have been guilty all these years, I really know that I was wrong, please forgive me... please... I know how much I might say I’m sorry, I can’t make you forgive, but... please understand how regretful a mother who is about to die at this moment, I know what I did back then, I cannot forgive it, but... I die, before I really want to die, I will look at my son again and hear him call mom... From his birth to now, I... I... I never had a chance to hear him call mother..."

Suddenly, Shui Xingyun's acting skills broke out at this moment, crying sad and desperate. This series of words did not say the main point, but only made people think that even if she did something wrong, it was a misunderstanding, and it was excusable and suffering.

All of the surrounding people gathered around for a while, which made Zhen Bao'er a little panicked.

He meows, she was given a routine by this aunt, what can we do?


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