You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1511: Point face

Song Mingjue shook his head: "I don't want to, really, but, mom... she... hey, I don't know how to tell you, I know that your existence is also in the past six months. Last time... Uncle Xingzhou I came to you and I knew about you... I was a little shocked at the time, I... Forget it, it's useless to say this, I guess you are already very impatient in your heart."

Originally, Song Mingjue prepared a lot of words, wanting to close the relationship between the two and arouse brotherhood.

However, when he was really in front of Gu Zhixin, he suddenly understood, saying that these were useless, everything was useless, and his calculations were useless.

Those who have said it, it is better not to say, don't make people disgusting too cruel, right?

Gu Zhixin: "Knowing I'm impatient, don't you get out?"

Song Mingjue said, "Give me another five minutes, and I'll get out after I finish speaking."

Originally, Song Mingjue was thinking, hoping to persuade Gu Zhixin to help them with the Song family, but now, he has changed his mind.'s not that he changed his mind, but he understands that it is impossible not to think about it. It is better to change to a useful point.

"I admit that my mother came to you this time because there was a problem with the Song family's company. I...I'm not afraid to tell you about family ugliness. My father, his prodigal ability, is too powerful and misappropriated the company's finances. Saipan gambling not only lost billions, but even the company’s shares were mortgaged. Although it seems that the Song family is still in normal operation, it will not take long before it will last for 20 days. Song The family will be completely disintegrated, and when all the news breaks out, the Song family... will be destroyed instantly."

When Song Mingjue mentioned his father, his face showed undisguised disgust.

Song Mingjue sighed: "Although my mother hates my father so much, she doesn't want to lose her life, she thinks of you... So, here comes, I feel a little bit ashamed to speak of this. ."

This time, Song Mingjue chose to be honest and told Gu Zhixin the matter honestly.

He hoped that his honesty would win Gu Zhixin's short-term non-exclusion.

What Song Mingjue said was similar to Gu Zhixin's guess. He was not surprised, and he wanted to know how Shui Xingyun could have appeared if he hadn't asked him.

The root of human inferiority, in Shui Xingyun's body, is really vivid. What mother, what blood, what kind of affection, to her, can not compare to the kindness of a check.

Gu Zhixin didn't show any extra emotions, he just lightly satirized: "There are always whimsical people."

Song Mingjue nodded and admitted that what Gu Zhixin said was right. His mother was more than just a whimsical, she was a foolish dream!

"Yeah, it's too whimsical. I told my mother many times to let her give up, but she refused to listen. Probably, she always thought that she really had difficulties back then!"

Gu Zhixin didn't want to hear too much about Shui Xingyun. He raised his wrist and looked at the time. "I have something else. If you have nothing else, you can go."

Song Mingjue hurriedly said: "I came to see you today. It was my mother who said, I hope I can tell you with emotion and reason, and I hope you can help, but... I am different from her. I am one after all. Someone who needs more face..."


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