You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1512: Failed again

Gu Zhixin looked at him mockingly: "But you still have your own purpose when you find me, don't you?"

The so-called face is just another kind of cheeky.

Gu Zhixin didn't believe that Song Mingjue would be so good, so simple and kind, that he came to him just to confess all this to him and gave up the idea of ​​asking him for help.

The Song family had calculations and indifference in their bones. Song Mingjue was not too good, but compared to Shui Xingyun, he was not that annoying.

Anyway, to the Song family, Gu Zhixin really hated it when he saw it.

Song Mingjue admitted very readily: "Yes, I have my own purpose, not for the Song family, but for myself."

Gu Zhixin is a little interested and wants to hear Song Mingjue, what he wants to say: "Say..."

Song Mingjue stood up and bowed to Gu Zhixin: "I know what I said may be a bit difficult for a strong man, but now, I have no other way. The overthrow of the Song family is a fact that I am powerless in the future. I will stay in Kyoto, I the future, when I am most difficult and need help, you can reach out and help me. This is my only request."

Gu Zhixin didn't speak, but smiled disdainfully: "I thought before that you might be better than Shui Xingyun, but now, you and her are indeed Mu mother and son. Both are so disgusting. "

Song Mingjue: "Sorry..."

Gu Jingyuan didn't bother to tell him more about getting up and leaving.

Song Mingjue hurriedly said: "My request is not for nothing, I will give you back, I am going to open a studio here, I can give you shares and dividends, I only ask for this promise, I know you do not lack that point Money, but I don’t think this is a loss-making business!"

Mr. Wei told him that in order to gain a foothold here, he must find a strong backer.

And in this Kyoto, no one is more suitable for this backing than the Gu family. He only needs to get a promise from Gu Zhixin. If something happens in the future, he can solve it under the name of Gu family, which will be much more convenient.

"I have my own private money, maybe the income will not be so good at the beginning, but I believe that I will gradually get better...I..."

Gu Zhixin turned to look at him, his face was very calm: "I want to find a backer in this Kyoto, buy a peace of money, after the purchase, all the way, wealth and prosperity, this plan is good, my brother is right, you are indeed He is a bit knowledgeable!"

Gu Zhixin's lips showed a cool sneer: "It's a pity, who made you the son of Shui Xingyun!"

"What do you... mean?"

Gu Zhixin left a sentence: "You should have heard what others say about me. I have never been open to my own enemies. If I don't take the initiative to clean up you, you should stop making trouble. Otherwise, this The huge Kyoto does not have a foothold for half an inch!"

Song Mingjue looked at Gu Zhixin who was walking away, and his mood was instantly lost.

The enemy, Gu Zhixin regards Shui Xingyun as an enemy, so he is too.

Song Mingjue scratched her hair hard, failed again, and failed again...

Gu Zhixin refused this time, and he would never have any chance again.

The last sentence just now was actually a warning, warning them not to jump around anymore. If it really upsets him, he will really do it.

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